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Subject: [Energies] Paper Invitation for Special Issue “Modelling of Aerospace Vehicle Dynamics”
Dear Dr.,
On behalf of Prof. Dr. Florian Ion Tiberiu Petrescu, Prof. Dr. Shuhui Li and Prof. Dr. Lorenzo Fedele the Guest Editors of the “Modelling of Aerospace Vehicle Dynamics" Special Issue in Energies (, we would like to invite a contribution from you (i.e., either a long review or an article). Energies is an open access journal publishing related scientific research and studies, published by MDPI online monthly. Since its launch in 2008, the journal has been indexed by Science Citation Index Expanded, COMPENDEX and other large databases. The latest Impact Factor for 2017 is 2.676.
The Special Issue “Modelling of Aerospace Vehicle Dynamics” is aiming to focus on Increasing efficiency in aerospace systems; Predictive safety in advanced systems; Aircraft propulsions; Novel solutions into all phases of flight projects; New wing design that could exponentially increase aircraft efficiency; Guiding and balancing the ships; Materials technology, Nanomaterials, Polymers and Composites, Morphing Materials; Drone, Autonomous ships; Robot Arms, Dynamics and Control, Robotics, Space Dynamics; Radar systems, GPS (Global Positioning System), Onboard electronics; Wireless Communication, Wireless Computing, Wireless Sensor Networks; X-Ray Crystallography, Robotics Sensor, Infrared thermography, Non-Destructive Testing (NDT); Emerging power electronic topologies and applications for power systems and motor drive for aerospace vehicles. Topics of interest for publication include, but are not limited to:
- Increasing efficiency in aerospace systems;
- Predictive safety in advanced systems;
- Aircraft propulsions;
- Thermal engineering systems;
- Turbomachinery / fluid power;
- Improved classical propulsion;
- Propulsion with gas turbines;
- Turbo-electric distributed propulsion;
- Jet propulsion;
- Modern Methods for Aircraft Power and Propulsion;
- Capturing solar energy to power a passenger drone;
- Novel solutions into all phases of flight projects;
- Recent traction systems for aerospace vehicles;
- Novel test stand for single-engine electric aircraft;
- New wing design that could exponentially increase aircraft efficiency;
- Electromagnetic flow control to enable natural laminar flow wings;
- Improved accuracy for greater drag reduction and fuel;
- Guiding and balancing the ships;
- Control of aircraft; Control systems, Diagnostics;
- Intelligent Algorithm for Spacecraft Rendezvous;
- Trajectory Optimization with Hybrid Propulsion System;
- Digital Signal Processing, Optimal Control, Performance Analysis;
- Statistical Signal Processing, Stochastic Simulation;
- Maintenance Planning & Control, Maintainability, Systems Safety Engineering;
- Materials technology, Nanomaterials, Polymers and Composites;
- Morphing Materials, Morphing Planes;
- Drone, Autonomous ships;
- Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Networks & Protocols, Computer Systems;
- Computing Methodologies and Applications, Internet of Things, Network Modeling and Algorithms, Finite Element Methods;
- Robot Arms, Dynamics and Control, Robotics, Space Dynamics;
- Radar systems, GPS (Global Positioning System), Onboard electronics;
- Wireless Communication, Wireless Computing, Wireless Sensor Networks;
- X-Ray Crystallography, Robotics Sensor;
- Infrared thermography, Non-Destructive Testing (NDT);
- Gases, Fluid Dynamics and Plasmas;
- Hall effect thrusters;
- Gridded electrostatic ion engine;
- High-energy synchrotron;
- Linear Van de Graaff accelerator;
- Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN;
- Novel renewable energy converter and inverter systems;
- Virtual synchronous generators;
- Particle accelerators;
- Synchrotron radiation;
- Synchrotron light;
- High-voltage DC transmission systems;
- Electrical machines, drives, systems, and applications;
- New topologies for high voltage inverters and converters;
- Power electronics in smart grid;
- AC/DC converters and inverters;
- Control and optimization of power electronic circuit;
- Pilots training.
The deadline for manuscript submission is 31 July 2019 (but an extension can be granted, if necessary). For more details please visit the website:
You may share this invitation with your team members and colleagues; co-authors are most welcome.
Please let me know if you and your colleagues are interested in submitting a manuscript for this Special Issue.
The following are the GEs’ signatures:
Prof. Dr. Florian Ion Tiberiu Petrescu
Prof. Dr. Shuhui Li
Prof. Dr. Lorenzo Fedele
Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Energies (
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Nasa Selects Concepts for a New Mission to Titan, the Moon of Saturn
Nasa just has selected two new concepts for some new robotic missions, one of which aims to explore potential landing sites on Saturn?s largest moon, Titan. This first concept is named Dragonfly, which is a drone-like rotorcraft that would use the environment on Titan to fly to a number of locations to sample materials and determine surface composition to examine Titan?s organic chemistry and habitability. It also intends to monitor atmospheric and surface conditions as well as image landforms to evaluate geological processes and perform seismic studies. Titanium (or Saturn VI) is Saturn's largest satellite. This is the only known natural satellite that has a dense atmosphere and the only heavenly body, other than the Earth, for which there is clear evidence that it has a liquid surface and an atmosphere. Although the atmosphere on Titan does not seem to be similar to that of our planet, even at first sight very unfriendly, the fact that it exists, there is still a very important fact in our solar system, still a heavenly body with the atmosphere which urges us to start a serious research of this interesting heavenly body quickly. Titan is Saturn's sixth spheroidal satellite. Often described as a satellite-planet, Titan is about 50% larger than the Moon, the Earth's satellite and is 80% more massive. This is the second largest satellite in the Solar System, after Ganymede, Jupiter's satellite and is larger in volume than the smallest planet in the Solar System, Mercury, though only half as mass. The gravitational acceleration from the surface (0.14g) is slightly lower than the monthly one (0.17g). Titan was Saturn's first known satellite, discovered in 1655 by Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens and was the fifth satellite of a planet other than Earth that was discovered by humans. Titanium is mainly made of ice and rock water. As with Venus before the space era, the dense and opaque atmosphere prevented the study of Titan's surface. At present, there is enough information about the surface of the satellite since the arrival of the Cassini-Huygens mission in 2004, which also found liquid hydrocarbon varnishes in the polar regions of the satellite. The surface is geologically young, but several impact craters have also been discovered. The surface contains more mountains and a few possible crioviers, but is generally smooth. There are sand dunes in the equator, where the "sand" consists of ice. Titan's atmosphere is largely composed of nitrogen in gaseous form; other minor components leading to the formation of methane and ethane clouds and nitrogen-rich organic smog. Climate change, including wind and rain, creates features similar to those of the Earth's surface, such as sand dunes, rivers, lakes, seas (probably methane and liquid) and delta and is dominated by seasonal weather patterns similar to on Earth. With its liquids (both surface and underground) and the robust nitrogen atmosphere, the methane cycle on Titan is considered to be similar to the cycle of water on Earth, but at a much lower temperature.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:26 PM
Nasa Sees First in 2018 the Direct Proof of Ozone Hole Recovery
For the first time, scientists have shown through direct observations of the ozone hole by a satellite instrument, built by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, that levels of ozone-destroying chlorine are declining, resulting in less ozone depletion. Measurements show that the decline in chlorine, resulting from an international ban on chlorine-containing human-produced chemicals called Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), has resulted in about 20% less ozone depletion during the Antarctic winter than there was in 2005 -- the first year that measurements of chlorine and ozone during the Antarctic winter were made by NASA's Aura satellite. The ozone layer is the area of the terrestrial stratosphere, which is largely made up of ozone. This layer contains 90% of the ozone found in the atmosphere and absorbs 97-99% of high-frequency ultraviolet radiation. The ozone layer ranges from about 15 km to about 40 km altitude. Ozone is part of the gases that make up the atmosphere: It is born out of oxygen through photochemical reactions caused by solar radiation. The earth is surrounded by an ozone layer located at a very high altitude. This layer filters about two-thirds of the Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the Sun. If all the rays reach Earth, it would be damaging to life on the planet. The ozone layer is located in the stratosphere, but the most concentrated is 20-25 km. Basically, it is ozone and not pure ozone air, with a larger number of ozone molecules in the composition than the usual air (containing mainly nitrogen and oxygen). In the ozone layer there is a continuous transformation between different forms of oxygen. The usual oxygen molecules, O2, split into oxygen atoms, O. They merge with the oxygen molecules forming ozone, O3. Over time, ozone decomposes into normal oxygen O2 and single oxygen atoms, O. Over the past 40 years, industrial production using many chlorine-containing chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in sprays, refrigerants and solvents used in the electronics industry has increased. These substances have been banned under the Montreal Protocol. In September 2014, the United Nations and the World Meteorological Organization published a report on the evolution of the ozone layer, arguing that it could be rebuilt by the middle of the century as a result of the measures adopted by the Montreal Protocol. According to the report, the ozone layer has declined globally in the 1980s and early 1990s, has remained relatively unchanged since 2000 and could revert to the 1980s before 2050.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:27 PM
Nasa Has Found the Most Distant Black Hole
Scientists have uncovered a rare relic from the early universe: the farthest known supermassive black hole. This matter-eating beast is 800 million times the mass of our Sun, which is astonishingly large for its young age. Researchers report the find in the journal Nature. "This black hole grew far larger than we expected in only 690 million years after the Big Bang, which challenges our theories about how black holes form," said study co-author Daniel Stern of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. Astronomers combined data from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) with ground-based surveys to identify potential distant objects to study, then followed up with Carnegie Observatories' Magellan telescopes in Chile. Carnegie astronomer Eduardo Bañados led the effort to identify candidates out of the hundreds of millions of objects WISE found that would be worthy of follow-up with Magellan. For black holes to become so large in the early universe, astronomers speculate there must have been special conditions to allow rapid growth -- but the underlying reason remains mysterious. The newly found black hole is voraciously devouring material at the center of a galaxy -- a phenomenon called a quasar. This quasar is especially interesting because it comes from a time when the universe was just beginning to emerge from its dark ages. The discovery will provide fundamental information about the universe when it was only 5% of its current age. "Quasars are among the brightest and most distant known celestial objects and are crucial to understanding the early universe," said co-author Bram Venemans of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Germany. The universe began in a hot soup of particles that rapidly spread apart in a period called inflation. About 400,000 years after the Big Bang, these particles cooled and coalesced into neutral hydrogen gas. But the universe stayed dark, without any luminous sources, until gravity condensed matter into the first stars and galaxies. The energy released by these ancient galaxies caused the neutral hydrogen to get excited and ionize, or lose an electron. The gas has remained in that state since that time. Once the universe became reionized, photons could travel freely throughout space. This is the point at which the universe became transparent to light. Much of the hydrogen surrounding the newly discovered quasar is neutral. That means the quasar is not only the most distant -- it is also the only example we have that can be seen before the universe became reionized. "It was the universe's last major transition and one of the current frontiers of astrophysics," Bañados said. The quasar's distance is determined by what's called its redshift, a measurement of how much the wavelength of its light is stretched by the expansion of the universe before reaching Earth. The higher the redshift, the greater the distance and the farther back astronomers are looking in time when they observe the object. This newly discovered quasar has a redshift of 7.54, based on the detection of ionized carbon emissions from the galaxy that hosts the massive black hole. That means it took more than 13 billion years for the light from the quasar to reach us.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:28 PM
Nasa Data Used to Discover Eighth Planet Circling Distant Star
Discovering the origins of life and colonizing extraterrestrial planets are two of the greatest ambitions that the international scientific community has today. Today, NASA is more prepared than ever to embark on an unprecedented race to conquer other worlds. The Kepler mission, named after Johannes Kepler, the German astronomer of the 16th-17th centuries, was scheduled to begin on March 7, 2009. In this mission, Space Agency released space from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Base, Florida, a Delta II rocket that will carry the Kepler space probe. It will try to identify Earth-like planets that orbitate stars similar to the Sun in a warm area of space, with liquid water and oxygen, that is, heavenly bodies that have all the conditions of life formation and maintenance. Kepler is looking for a new Earth. Kepler is a critical component of NASA's efforts to identify and study planets with Earth-like eco-conditions. The results of the Kepler space photometer will prove to be extremely important in understanding the frequency of Earth-sized planets in our galaxy. They will also plan future missions to directly detect and investigate such worlds near neighboring stars. Although more than 300 planets outside the solar system have already been identified by similar investigation technologies, Kepler's power resides in the high sensitivity of its instruments to smaller, cooler, more hospitable and more like us planes than all those identified so far. Kepler has a special telescope on board, which will study 100,000 astronomers from the Cygnus-Lyra region of the Milky Way for more than three and a half years. Scientists expect to discover hundreds of planets as large as the Earth or even larger, located at different distances from their stars. If the number of Earth-sized planets that have the potential to sustain life and be habitable of humans is great, Kepler could discover dozens of such celestial bodies; if they are rare, they may not discover any. "If we find that most stars have Earths, this implies that life development can be a common issue through our galaxy," says William Borucki, principal investigator at NASA's California Ames Research Center. "Discovery of only a few or a small number could indicate that we are alone in the Universe," the scientist added. Kepler's mission, according to the original English Kepler Mission, is a space mission, a cosmic station, a special cosmic ship and a space-based photometric telescope created and conducted by NASA to search for Terra planets in other solar systems. The Kepler cosmic station will observe and record the glow of more than 100,000 stars about 3-4 years in length to detect the periodic transition of a star's planets, a process of detecting the stars of a certain star called the transition method. The space mission is named in honor of German astronomer Johannes Kepler. A planet earth or a terrestrial planet in contrast to gaseous planets is a planet composed of rocks and metals that generally have three concentric shells (core or core, shell and bark or crust).
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:29 PM
Dynamic Kinematics of the Plan Balanced Chain at the Planar Module 3r
Anthropomorphic robots are, as I have already said, in most of the most widespread and widely used works worldwide today, due to their ability to adapt quickly to forced work, working without breaks or breaks 24 h a day, without unpaid leave without asking for food, water, air, or salary. Anthropomorphic robots are supple, elegant, easy to configure and adapted to almost any required location, being the most flexible, more useful, more penetrating, easy to deploy and maintain. For the first time, these robots have asserted themselves in the automotive industry and especially in the automotive industry, today they have penetrated almost all industrial fields, being easily adaptable, flexible, dynamic, resilient, cheaper than other models, occupying a volume smaller but with a major working space. They can also work in toxic or dangerous environments, so used in dyeing, chemical cleaners, in chemical or nuclear environments, where they handle explosive objects, or in military missions to land or sea mines, even if they were banned to use, because there are still countries around the globe that use them, such as Afghanistan ... In the study of the dynamic movement of robots, i.e. their real movement, when considering the actions and effects of the various forces that act upon them, it is important to know the real motion of the robots, ie the dynamic cinematic (the one imposed by the dynamics, that is, the forces in the mechanism).
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:30 PM
Romanian Engineering "on the Wings of the Wind"
The presented study proposes a commemoration of the main artisans of the Romanian and world aviation, from its beginnings to the day. Very briefly are brought to the forefront, the main inventors of flying machines and equipment that have lived here in the Romanian territory and have contributed substantially to the development of any type of flight. We will talk about Traian Vuia, Aurel Vlaicu, Alexandru N. Ciurcu, Hermann Julius Oberth, Elie Carafoli, Anastase Dragomir, Radu Manicatide, Iosif Silimon, Elena Caragiani-Stoenescu, Petre Constantinescu, Dumitru Dorin Prunariu, Henri Marie Coanda, George (Gogu) Constantinescu. George (Gogu) Constantinescu (4.Oct.1881 - December 11, 1965) was a Romanian scientist and engineer, often considered to be one of the most important Romanian engineers. He was responsible for creating a new field of mechanics, called "sonicity," which describes the transmission of energy through vibrations in fluid or solid bodies. He applied the new theory to numerous inventions: sonic, sonic, sonic and others. Among other achievements, there is also a pulling device among the propeller blades regardless of its speed and the first automatic gearshift. He has actively participated in the construction of English aircraft, the Bristol type, while he lived in England. Henri Marie Coanda (June 7, 1886 - November 25, 1972) was an Academician and Romanian engineer, aviation pioneer, physicist, inventor, inventor of the reaction engine and discoverer of the effect that bears his name. Henri Coanda was born in Bucharest on June 7, 1886, being the second child of a large family (Henri had four brothers and two sisters, a total of seven children). His father was General Constantine Coanda, a former mathematics professor at the National School of Bridges and Highways in Bucharest and former Prime Minister of Romania for a short period of time in 1918. His mother, Aida Danet, was the daughter of French doctor Gustave Danet. Traian Vuia (August 17, 1872 - September 3, 1950) was a Romanian inventor and an aviation pioneer who designed, built and tested his own planes, which at the time were among the first heavier aircraft than the air. On March 18, 1906, he made his first self-propelled flight (without catapults or other exterior means) with a heavier device than the air. In his first flight he managed to float about 12 m (40 feet) at Montesson in France on March 18, 1906. This was the first "certified" flight with the take-off and landing of the aircraft (unassisted from the outside), made with a monoplane aircraft powered by a wheelchair. Performing a mechanical flight with a heavier machine than the air was a fascination at the end of the past and the beginning of our age. Thousands of fools tried to accomplish it, while the "balloons," who at the end of the eighteenth century had managed to rise in the balloons of the balloons, were smiling with superiority, convinced that the future is theirs, those with more aerial vehicles light than air.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:31 PM
Total Static Balancing and Kinetostatics of the 3r Base Cinematic Chain
It has been presented in other works and studied matrix spatially, or more simply in a plan, but in this case, it is necessary to move from the working plane to the real space, or vice versa, passage that we will present in this study. In the basic plan module already presented in other geometric and cinematic works, we want to highlight some dynamic features such as static balancing, total balancing and determination of the strength of the module after balancing. The forces that appear in the unbalanced base module were also presented in other papers, so we want to fill in only the aspects of the already balanced module forces in this study. The mechanism in Fig. 1 (planar cinematic chain) must be balanced to have a normal operation. Through a total static balancing, balancing the gravitational forces and moments generated by the forces of gravity is achieved, balancing the forces of inertia and the moments (couples) generated by the presence of inertial forces (not to be confused with the inertial moments of the mechanism, which appear separately from the other forces, being part of the inertial torsion of a mechanism and depending on both the inertial masses of the mechanism and its angular accelerations. Balancing the mechanism can be done through various methods. Partial balancing is achieved almost in all cases where the actuators (electric drive motors) are fitted with a mechanical reduction, a mechanical transmission, a sprocket, spiral gear, spool screw type. Such a reducer called the unisens (the movement allowed by it is a two-way rotation, but the transmission of the force and the motor moment can only be done in one direction, from the spindle to the worm gear, vice versa from the worm gear to the screw the force cannot be transmitted and the movement is not possible by blocking the mechanism, which makes it apt to transmit the movement from the wheel of a vehicle to its wheels in the steering mechanism, not allowing the wheel forces due to the unevenness of the ground, to be transmitted to the steering wheel and implicitly to the driver, or this mechanism is suitable for mechanical meters so that they do not twist and vice versa etc.) can balance the transmission by letting the forces and motor moments unfold, but not allowing the kinematic elements to influence the movement through their forces of weight and inertia. This results in a "forced" drive balancing from the transmission, which makes the operation of the assembly to be correct but rigid and with mechanical shocks. Such balancing is not possible when the actuators directly actuate the elements of the kinematic chain without using mechanical reducers.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:33 PM
Inverse Kinematics of a Stewart Platform
The development and diversification of machines and mechanisms with applications in all fields require new scientific researches for the systematization and improvement of existing mechanical systems by creating new mechanisms adapted to modern requirements, which involve increasingly complex topological structures. The modern industry, the practice of designing and building machinery is increasingly based on the results of scientific and applied research. Each industrial achievement has backed theoretical and experimental computer-assisted research, which solves increasingly complex problems with advanced computing programs using an increasingly specialized software. The robotization of technological processes determines and influences the emergence of new industries, applications under special environmental conditions, the approach of new types of technological operations, manipulation of objects in the alien space, teleoperators in the top disciplines like medicine, robots covering a whole field greater service provision in our modern, computerized society. Movable, robotic, mechatronic mechanical systems have entered nearly all industrial spheres. Today, we can no longer conceive of industrial production without these extremely useful systems. They are still said to steal from people's jobs. Even so, it should be made clear that these systems create value, work in difficult, repetitive, non-pausing, high-quality work, without getting tired, without getting sick, without salary and producing value who are paid and people left without jobs, so that they can work elsewhere in more pleasant, more advantageous conditions, with the necessary breaks. Mechanical systems in motion type parallel structures are solid, fast and accurate. Between mobile systems parallel the best known and used system is that of a Stewart platforms, as being and the oldest system, quickly, solid and accurate. The paper presents a few main elements of the Stewart platforms. In the case where a motto element consists of a structure composed of two elements in a relative movement from the point of view of the train of propulsion and especially in the dynamic calculations, it is more convenient to represent the motto element as a single moving item. The paper presents an exact, original analytical geometry method for determining the kinematic and dynamic parameters of a parallel mobile structure. Compared with other methods already known, the presented method has the great advantage of being an exact analytical method of calculation and not one iterative-approximately.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:34 PM
The Dynamics of the Planar Cinematic Balanced Chain at the Plan Module 3r
In some previous papers, the mechatronic module 3R, plan, is a basic module on which the complete, geometric, cinematic, dynamic calculation of the anthropomorphic robots, the most used today's industrial robots, is built. The importance of the study of anthropomorphic robots has also been signaled, being today the most widespread robots worldwide, due to its simple design, construction, implementation, operation and maintenance. In addition, anthropomorphic systems are simpler from a technological and cheaper point of view, performing a continuous, demanding, repetitive work without any major maintenance problems. The basic module of these robots was also presented geometrically, cinematically, of the forces, of its total static balancing and of the forces that arise within or after balancing. In the present paper, we want to highlight the dynamics of the already statically balanced total module. It has been presented in other works and studied matrix spatially, or more simply in a plan, but in this case, it is necessary to move from the working plane to the real space, or vice versa, passage that we will present in this study. In the basic plan module already presented in other geometric and cinematic works, we want to highlight some dynamic features such as static balancing, total balancing and determination of the strength of the module after balancing. Through a total static balancing, balancing the gravitational forces and moments generated by the forces of gravity is achieved, balancing the forces of inertia and the moments (couples) generated by the presence of inertial forces (not to be confused with the inertial moments of the mechanism, which appear separately from the other forces, being part of the inertial torsion of a mechanism and depending on both the inertial masses of the mechanism and its angular accelerations. Balancing the mechanism can be done through various methods. Partial balancing is achieved almost in all cases where the actuators (electric drive motors) are fitted with a mechanical reduction, a mechanical transmission, a sprocket, spiral gear, spool screw type. This results in a "forced" drive balancing from the transmission, which makes the operation of the assembly to be correct but rigid and with mechanical shocks. Such balancing is not possible when the actuators directly actuate the elements of the kinematic chain without using mechanical reducers.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:35 PM
Switching from Flat to Spatial Motion to 3r Mechatronic Systems
The anthropomorphic robots are part of the classical series of mechatronic systems, being in the form of arms and having at least three space rotation, to which other components may eventually be added, thus lengthening the entire kinematic chain. You can also add all the planetary or spatial rotating arms or others that are translating. At the end we always have the end effector element that can be a manipulator, that is, a hand to grasp the objects, in which case one can speak of a prehensive device, that is a gripping device that today imitates very well a human hand even if it is one mechanical, may also be a painting, cutting or welding device, or one for machining. The base support and schematics of all anthropomorphic robots remain the 3R space system. It has been presented in other works and studied matrix spatially, or more simply in a plan, but in this case, it is necessary to move from the working plane to the real space, or vice versa, passage that we will present in this study. Projections of point M on planar axes will be marked with the higher P (Plan) index to distinguish them from the corresponding space axes. Due to the fact that the vertical projection plane is removed from the Oρ axis with a constant distance a2 a3, (the vertical working plane does not project directly on the Oρ axis, but on an axis parallel to it distal to the length a2 a3) the projection of the M point on the horizontal plane of the space will not fall in M 'but at the point M''. Therefore, the projections of M on the axes Ox and Oy will not be those of point M' but those of point M'', according to the relations given by the system (2). We want to remove the angle of 90°C from the relations (2), which had an important explanatory role in the understanding of the phenomenon, to see how the equation of transition from plane to spatial axes is written, here (in the horizontal plane of space) about a rotation, whose relations should not be automatically detained, but deduced logically, which is why we will immediately move from the logically determined system (2) to the convenient system (3), which will now be obtained from (2) the angle of 90°C from the trigonometric relations. Perhaps the method used may seem rather difficult, but compared to spatial matrix methods, it is extremely straightforward and direct, contributing to transforming the space movement into a flat, much easier to understand and studied movement. In the system (4) we centralize all the transition relations from the plane to the spatial movement.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:36 PM
What is a UFO?
There is much talk about UFOs sometimes. Is there anyway? If so what are they? Here are some questions we want to answer them briefly in this paper. An unidentified flying object or UFO is defined as any apparent object in the sky that can?t be identified and classified as an object or phenomenon already known. But the name is generally widely used to refer to the alleged or actual observations of alien ships. Today, the vast majority of observed UFOs are later identified as conventional objects or phenomena (such as aircraft, meteorological balloons, clouds). However, some of them can not be identified, either due to lack of evidence or due to the lack of conventional explanations, despite extensive evidence. Some people believe that the latest cases represent possible observations of alien spacecraft craft. The issue of past observations is difficult to explain otherwise than through the existence of other civilizations more advanced than ours. UFO events in the last thirty years are hard to analyze and classify, as we now have intelligent ships with special capabilities that can easily be confused with an alien ship.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:37 PM
About Nano Fusion and Dynamic Fusion
Hot fusion is currently a difficult goal to accomplish due to the high temperatures required, which are difficult to achieve and also to be maintained. For these reason, it is much easier to try to achieve cold fusion, or a combined method. In this paper, the author will briefly present some original relationships for setting up a theoretical model for cold fusion. It will be determined the radius of a moving elementary particle and will be calculated the potential energy of the two adjacent particles. In addition, the necessary speed of the accelerated particles when they will collide to start cold fusion will be determined. The radius of an electron or a nucleus at rest is close to nano sizes. Because of this, static, the fusion working with nanoparticles. It was evaluated that dynamic nanoparticles dimensions are much smaller than when they are at rest.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:39 PM
Environmental Protection Through Nuclear Energy
Environmental protection through implementation of green energies is progressively becoming a daily reality. Numerous sources of green energy were introduced in recent years. Although this process initially started with difficulties, it finally resulted in an acceleration and implementation of new green energy technologies. Nonetheless, new major obstacles are emerging. The most worldwide difficult obstacle encountered, especially for wind and photovoltaic electric power plants, is the not regular and predictable green energy production. This study proposes solutions designed to solve this unpleasant aspect of irregular production of green energy. The basic idea refers to the construction of specially designed nuclear power plants acting as energy buffers. Nuclear power plants, indeed, may behave as proper energy buffers able to work to a minimum capacity when the green energy (i.e., wind power or PV) is steadily produced (namely, when the energy generated by the turbines or PV panels is at full constant capacity) but that can also run at progressively increased capacities when the wind or solar energy production reduces or stops. The work get two major contributions: 1-propose to the achievement of an energy buffer using nuclear power plants (for the moment on nuclear fission); 2-shows some theoretical aspects important needed to carry out the reaction of the fusion.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:40 PM
Triton for Nuclear Fusion
In the nuclear fusion process that is permanently produced in the stars (suns) there is a thermonuclear reaction that uses as the main raw material the very first isotope of hydrogen, namely the Protium. This process is possible due to the huge temperatures and the unimaginably high pressures existing inside a star. At very high temperatures and pressures, matter begins to break even at the nuclear level. The nucleons split off and then reunited to form other types of nuclei. If it was initially thought that temperatures of tens or even hundreds of millions of degrees would be needed, today it is already proven that a minimum needed is about 40 trillion degrees. Such huge temperature is very difficult to be achieved on the Earth right now. For this reason, a compensatory solution would be the production of the nuclear fusion reaction with accelerated particles. For this reason, we want to express a major idea, namely the shift to the next hydrogen isotope, 3H, Tritium, which is much less stable compared to the first two, with its widespread use for the achievement of nuclear-merging energy, here on the Earth. We can?t achieve such temperatures yet, on earth, in safety, but especially to keep them. Only through dangerous bombs they can produce and maintain. Then the only method of achieving nuclear fusion power on the ground remains the use of particle accelerators. For this reason, modern physics power stations must look like or contain a nuclear particle accelerator. Whether we produce the cold or hot fusion reaction, we will need at least one particle accelerator. For a long time, I thought that Tokamak-type installations that have a toroidal shape represent the optimal solution for modern fusion power plants. Today, however, we doubt this, because the achieved tor has a small radius of action (the diameter of the tor is too small). But that is not the main issue that this paper proposes. In this study we want to propose the transition to experimentation of nuclear fusion energy, by exploiting (use) of tritium, namely the triton. The idea is to use triton nuclear fuel. But not the triton resulting from the presence of deuterium, but only pure triton, obtained from other methods than deuterium reactions. We propose, therefore, the elimination of deuterium as fuel and the use of Triton in its place.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:41 PM
Nano-Diamond Hybrid Materials for Structural Biomedical Application
The development of new diamond based bio-mechanically active hybrid nano-structured scaffolds for cartilage cells tissue engineering are proposed in this study. Innovative tissue engineering biomimetic materials based on hydrogel have shown attractive physical, biological and mechanical properties in several biomedical applications. A highly biocompatible novel hybrid material based on nanodiamonds and hydrophilic poly-(hydroxyl-ethyl-methacrylate) (pHEMA) is proposed. The aim of this paper is to describe the chemical and analytical procedures for the preparation of nanofilled hybrid composites possessing biomimetic, osteoconductive and osteoinductivity properties that can be useful in the design of bio-mechanically active innovative bone scaffolding systems for stem cell differentiation and growth. A more rigid and rubber transparent hybrid nano-composites are predicted to posses improved mechanical strength overwhelming one of the major weaknesses of hydrogels, which is due their poor mechanical characteristics, for applications in biomedical structural application.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:43 PM
Processability of Bulk Metallic Glasses
Microfluidic Shear Flow Instabilities in Injection Molded Glassy Metal are investigated. The formation of microfluidic shear flows instabilities involving the presence of different viscosities fluids has been observed in injection molded Bulk Metallic Glasses. The complex rheology of injection molded metastable glassy metal, which has been hypothesized to induce selective clustering of atoms of different steric hindrance, is discussed. Smaller Be, Cu and Ni atomsmay differently rearrange themselves in the bulk metal glassy super cooled liquids forming flow streams of lower viscosity. Segregation of atoms of different size could activate a variety of viscous flow instabilities such as folding and swirling. FEI Scios Dual-Beam Electron scanning and optical microscopy observations of a commercial liquid metal alloy (Zr44Ti11Cu10Ni10Be25) have been carried out. We discussed the influence of short-range order clusters distribution and its effect in locally induced shear flow instability and corrosion resistance.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:44 PM
Biomechanically Inspired Shape Memory Effect Machines Driven by Muscle Like Acting Niti Alloys
The research shows a bioinspired approach to be adopted to design of systems based on Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs), a class of Smart Materials that has in common with muscles the capability to react to an impulse (thermal for SMAs) with a contraction. The biomechanically inspired machine that is discussed in the paper refers to the antagonistic muscles pairs, which belongs to the Skeletal Muscles and are normally arranged in opposition so that as one group of muscles contract another group relaxes or lengthens. The study proposes a model, a solution not only to design a specific application, but also to provide an approach to be used for a wide range of adaptive applications (switchable windows, smart shadow systems, parking and urban shelters, etc.), where the shape changes in response to different external stimuli. The use of antagonist pairs mechanism provides a solution for better optimized systems based on SMAs where the main and proven advantages are: Easier and faster change of shape, lower need of energy for system operation, lower cost for SMA training and no problem of overheating.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:45 PM
From Structural Colors to Super-Hydrophobicity and Achromatic Transparent Protective Coatings: Ion Plating Plasma Assisted TiO2 and SiO2 Nano-Film Deposition
The implementation of the Ion Plating Plasma Assisted technology in the area of surface functionalization for structural color and relic preservation applications is presented. Interferometric structural colors on irregular bumped Titanium surfaces and transparent and achromatic nano films on ancient ceramic artifact have been investigated. Titanium metal and ceramic supports have been utilized for the surface functionalization tests: A metallic electron beam additive manufactured Titanium component and an ancient tile of the XIX century, which was characterized by strong chromatic valence and by a mixed porous and glazed surfaces, have been considered. A reactive magnetron sputtering Ion Plating Plasma Assisted apparatus operating in Argon or Oxygen atmospheres for TiO2 and SiO2 deposition has been utilized. Preliminary tests with two plasma treatments were carried out for optimal processing conditions definition. TiO2 nano-film deposition on irregular Ti surfaces has generated light direction depending color-changing surfaces while good achromatic and transparent coatings were obtained by using SiO2 coating. The high processing flexibility of the Ion plating technology is discussed. The SiO2 IPPA surfaces treatment resulted more convenient for restorative and preservation ancient historical tile was used to finally test the optimized process with Ion Beam Electron Microscopy, which was carried out on the tile porous structure, confirmed the high flexibility and efficiency of the innovative IPPA technology.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:46 PM
Smart-Factory: Optimization and Process Control of Composite Centrifuged Pipes
Process optimization strategies and intelligent control algorithms for an industrial centrifugal pipe production are presented. The chemo-rheological and thermo-kinetic features of the polymerization of unsaturated polyester based composites are analyzed by means of a mathematical model that uses the heat transfer and generation properties of polymerizable systems. The evolution of the system temperature, viscosity and degree of cure profiles in a composite centrifuged pipe wall have been identified and mathematically described. The temperature profiles were calculated according to an appropriate kinetic and heat transfer modeling and then the corresponding viscosity profiles were evaluated. The viscosity and kinetic parameters to use in the model were measured in calorimetric and rheological tests. A commercial polyester system, which is used for centrifugal forming, has been catalyzed with two different types of peroxide (Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone and Acetyl-Acetone peroxides) and characterized by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and adiabatic peak temperature measurements (gel time tests). The problem of incomplete cure in sections of the pipe wall has been discussed with respect to the processing conditions and creep behavior. Experimentally verification of thermal theoretical modeling and creep tests have been carried out on a system catalyzed with AA peroxide and processed in two different ways. The thermo-kinetic process modeling and control adequately predicts the thermal behavior at the internal surface of pipes that has been used to optimize by simulation of two different centrifugal pipe processing thermal cycles.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:47 PM
About the Light Dimensions
Light is one of the most fascinating something of all the time. This paper aims to develop a tool with which one can determine with great accuracy the dimensions of light. Basically was entered a new relationship through which one may determine the size of a photon depending on the wavelength of light. Instead wavelength of light can be used as variable the speed of light and its frequency. One could determine this new expressions using and the known equations: the total energy of a moving particle and the total energy of a photon, as Einstein bequeathed them to us. It has also been used (for calculating the new relationship) and the kinetic energy of the photon. The new expressions introduced by this paper may be useful in many applications related to light, lasers, etc. This paper is a check point for new ?start points?.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:48 PM
Hybrid Ceramo-Polymeric Nanocomposite for Biomimetic Scaffolds Design and Preparation
Biomimetics, biomechanics and tissue engineering are three multidisciplinary fields that have been contemplated in this research to attain the objective of improving prosthetic implants reliability. Since testing and mathematical methods are closely interlaced, a promising approach seemed to be the combination of in vitro and in vivo experiments with computer simulations (in silico). An innovative biomimetics and biomechanics approach and new synthetic structure providing a microenvironment, which is mechanically coherent and nutrient conducive for tissue osteoblast cell cultures used in regenerative medicine, are presented. The novel hybrid ceramo-polymeric nanocomposites are mutually investigated by Finite Element Analysis (FEA) biomimetic modelling, anatomic reconstruction, quantitative-computed-tomography characterization, computer design of tissue scaffold. The starting base materials are a class of innovative highly bioactive hybrid ceramo-polymeric materials set-up by the proponent research group that will be used as bioactive matrix for the preparation of in situ bio-mineralised tecto-structured porous nanocomposites. This study treats biomimetics, biomechanics and tissue engineering as strongly correlated multidisciplinary fields combined to design bone tissue scaffolds. The growth, maintenance and ossification of bone are fundamental and are regulated by the mechanical cues that are imposed by physical activities: This biomimetical/biomechanical approach will be pursued in designing the experimental procedures for in vitro scaffold mineralization and ossification. Bio-tissue mathematical modelling serves as a central repository to interface design, simulation and tissue fabrication. Finite element computer analyses will be used to study the role of local tissue mechanics on endochondral ossification patterns, skeletal morphology and mandible thickness distributions using single and multi-phase continuum material representations of clinical cases of patients implanted with the traditional protocols. New protocols will be hypothesises for the use of the new biologically tecto-structured hybrid materials.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:49 PM
Something About Electron Dimension
In this study will be exposed the theoretical principles necessary for the determination of the exact size of an electron in motion, depending on its speed of travel. Equations, aimed to accurately determines the radius R of the electron in motion, relating the electron moving speed v and its rest mass m0 are discussed. Mechanical moment of inertia of a sphere around of one of its diameters shall be determined by the relationship relating the total kinetic energy of one electron in motion, as a sum of the two components (translational and rotational). Using the theory of Louis de Broglie, which shows the conservation of the pulse, the wavelength (particle associated) has been calculated. Wave frequency (associated with the electron in motion) has been determined and moving electron kinetic energy has been estimated by subtracting the total electron rest energy from total electron energy in movement.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:50 PM
Nikola Tesla
Nicolae Tesla, has remained and spent most of his life, making it hard to pronounce "Teslea"), is considered to be the inventor of the alternating current and uncovered cableless power transmission. It is attributed to the transmission of energy through monophase, biphasic, polyphase alternating currents and transmission of non-wired energy by electromagnetic waves (oscillations) in the industrial alternating current frequency band (102-109 [Hz]), overlapping band with radio frequencies (the radio band being even more extensive than that of alternative industrial currents). He discovered the spinning magnetic field (simultaneously with the Italian Galileo Ferraris, 1847-1897), Tesla invented both the biphasic and polyphase alternating electric currents and studied the high-frequency current. He built the first two-phase asynchronous motors, the electric generators, the high-frequency electric transformer and so on. In atomic, he researched the atomic nucleus fission, with the help of the high voltage electrostatic generator and was also a pioneer of nuclear power based on nuclear fission reactions. (Einstein was contacted and visited personally by his research in this field). By working permanently in industrial bands, Tesla has inevitably given over radio waves whose frequencies overlap with those of alternating currents. Even though Marconi made the first radio broadcasts over the ocean, a little before Tesla, yet at the basis of his achievements were all the patents and works of Tesla, which Marconi had studied in detail. Tesla is also the first and foremost builder of the world's first and largest radio stations. In 1899, Tesla builds a large 200kw radio station in Colorado, conducts wireless telegraphy transmissions over 1,000km and manages to get 12 million volts of volumes to produce the first artificial lightning (lightning). He drives the first unmanned ship by radio, from a distance to a public demonstration on the ocean, in New York. Transmits concentrated energy through long-distance electromagnetic waves, the energy it uses to power remote consumers or remote control. Tesla deals with natural energy, the production of artificial earthquakes based on huge energies using very low frequency waves (Tesla is the first to accurately determine the resonance frequency of our planet), acceleration of nuclear particles to very high energies and targeting them or microwaves concentrated in beam (deadly rays) capable of reaching and destroying a target at a great distance (airplane, rocket, ship, etc.). He proposes to build a defensive shield to defend America, but even the planet, if needed (the current US defense shield of the Earth is a continuation of his work). It imagines, presents and designs wireless audio-video transmissions (but was too early to implement them massively, technologies were a long way from discovering it; the pieces were then lamps and tubes, there were no chips or integrated circuits, not even transistors).
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:51 PM
The Basic Elements of Life's
The four basic elements of life are: Oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and phosphorus. These four elements are found in abundance in both the human body and in animals. There are other elements that compose the human body, but the four we've highlighted participate in all life processes. Besides, these four elements make up ATP chains (molecule), which governs and controls the body entirely energy processes and physiological and pathological processes of the human body. Oxygen is the pivot, which produces water and air and it is indispensable to the life. Hydrogen participates with oxygen to produce water, without which life would not be possible. Nitrogen with oxygen constitutes basic elements of air that compose the Earth's atmosphere. Phosphorus is the last element of human energy chain. It is the fire and light. In other words, human energy chain consists of four basic elements, or three compounds: Water, air and fire (light). In genetics, all cellular energy processes are driven and controlled by ATP molecule type. If we consider the chain of human genes, account must also be taken of the element carbon. In this mode, the four elements of life become the five elements of life: Oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:52 PM
Some Basic Reactions in Nuclear Fusion
Over time it has advanced the idea that the achievement of a hot nuclear reaction can require tens or hundreds of millions of degrees. Precise calculations clearly indicate a much higher temperature. At least 10 million degrees are necessary for 1 keV in thermonuclear reaction. At 400 keV it needs a temperature of 4000 million degrees to occur the hot fusion reaction. Hot fusion needs a temperature of about 4000 million degrees, or 4 billion degrees if we believe in the calculations the radius of deuterium static. If we believe in the calculations the radius of the real, dynamic deuterium, in movement, the temperature required to achieve the warm fusion reaction increases still 10000 times, reaching a value of 40 trillions degrees. Unfortunately, this clarification does not bring us closer to the realization of the hot fusion reaction, but on the contrary, us away from the day when we will be able to achieve it. Today we have only made 150 million degrees. A huge problem is even the achievement of such temperatures. For these reasons we are entitled to think up next following, namely achieving the cold fusion. Authors propose to bomb the fuel with accelerated Deuterium nuclei.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:53 PM
Mitochondria Are Naturally Micro Robots - A Review
The mitochondrion is a natural robot (cell) with a length of about one micron. Between organisms (plant, animal or human) with its organs and the atomic and molecular components are positioned based cells, which are building all the necessary organs body. Years ago, medical specialists who are studying organ disease have considered that is caused by impaired organ or related to other organs. For example, it was considered that all nerve diseases have started from stress due to disorder of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (adrenal glands). Today one knows that psychological stress triggers some metabolic, inflammatory and transcriptional perturbations that ultimately dispose to malady in cellular energetics, involving mitochondrial energy production respiratory stress. Future research on mitochondrial can lead to the elucidation of great issues of life (including the generation of illness, aging and death bodies). The main idea of this paper is that mitochondria are independent cells, flexible, essential for complex life.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:54 PM
Ecosphere Protection Through Green Energy
A systemic approach, comprising all research and development activities that support the expansion of eco-efficient industrial and social systems fulfilling market and social-cultural constrains, is required to accomplish the challenge for competitiveness and sustainability along with an increasingly dynamic and complex global scientific, industrial and cultural scenarios. Ecosphere protection through the implementation of green energy is becoming a daily technological reality. Especially in recent years, various sources of green energy have been introduced in our Technosphere and Valuesphere. The process, which has began with difficulty but finally resulted in the acceleration and implementation of new green energy technologies, is still impaired by major emerging limitations. The most worldwide experienced difficult obstacle was the unpredictable and fluctuating green energy production. This study proposes some solutions designed to solve this unpleasant aspect of inconstant production of green energy. The basic idea refers to the construction of specially designed hydroelectric plant that represents a true energy buffer. A hydroelectric old (adequately equipped) or a new one built according to this principle, can become a true buffer energetic, able to take energy generated by the turbines at full capacity (energy otherwise lost by unable to be stored or taken over by the national network) and a national system restore when green energy sources produce shorten.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:55 PM
Something About the Balancing of Thermal Motors
Internal combustion engines in line (regardless of whether the work in four-stroke engines and two-stroke engines Otto cycle engines, diesel and Lenoir) are, in general, the most used. Their problem of balancing is extremely important for their operation is correct. There are two possible types of balancing: Static and dynamic balance. The total static to make sure that the sum of the forces of inertia of a mechanism to be zero. There is also a static balance partial. Dynamic balance means to cancel all the moments (load) inertia of the mechanism. A way of the design of an engine in a straight line is that the difference between the crank 180 [°] or 120 [°]. A different type of construction of the engine is the engine with the cylinders in the opposite line, called "cylinder sportsmen". In this type of engine (regardless of their position, which is most often vertical) for engines with two cylinders, one has a static balance total and an imbalance in the dynamic. Similar to the model of the earth concentrated in rotation movement are resolved and load balancing shafts rotating parts. An important way to reduce losses of heat engines is how to achieve a better balance. The methods may be used in equal measure and on engines with external combustion, type Stirling or Watt.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:56 PM
Glassy Amorphous Metal Injection Molded Induced Morphological Defects
Melt rheology in injection molded metastable supercooled liquid metal of Zr44-Ti11-Cu10-Ni10-Be25 alloy may induce selective crystallizations. High mobility Be, Cu and Ni atoms have been observed to differently crystallize in bulk metal glassy supercooled liquids. Here, we analyze the result of morphological microscopic observation conduct on Bulk Metallic Glass (BMG) with composition of a commercial liquid metal alloy (LM001B). The injection molded plate has been supplied by ?Liquid Metals Technologies Inc, Ca USA? and manufactured using an Engel injection molding machine operating at 1050-1100°C; the observed sample then has been cut by water jet. FEI Scios Dual-Beam has carried out the microscopic observation. Particularly, through a cross section, we observe the presence of crystalline phases on the short-range order. We investigate the presence of short-range order clusters, their distribution and the effect that they could cause on the alloys? behaviors and properties.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:57 PM
Improving Medical Imaging and Blood Flow Measurement by Using a New Doppler Effect Relationship
The Doppler Effect represents the frequency variation of the waves, received by an observer which is drawing (coming), respectively it?s removing (going), from a wave spring (source). One proposes to study the Doppler Effect for the light waves, generally for the electromagnetic waves. Doppler effect (or Doppler shift), named after Austrian physicist Christian Doppler who proposed it in 1842 in Prague. An important application of the Doppler Effect is the medical imaging and blood flow measurement using color flow ultrasonography (Doppler) of a carotid artery-scanner and screen. An echocardiogram can, within certain limits, produce accurate assessment of the direction of blood flow and the velocity of blood and cardiac tissue at any arbitrary point using the Doppler Effect. One of the limitations is that the ultrasound beam should be as parallel to the blood flow as possible. Velocity measurements allow assessment of cardiac valve areas and function, any abnormal communications between the left and right side of the heart, any leaking of blood through the valves (valvular regurgitation) and calculation of the cardiac output. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound using gas-filled micro bubble contrast media can be used to improve velocity or other flow-related medical measurements. Although ?Doppler? has become synonymous with ?velocity measurement? in medical imaging, in many cases it is not the frequency shift (Doppler shift) of the received signal that is measured, but the phase shift (when the received signal arrives). Velocity measurements of blood flow are also used in other fields of medical ultrasonography, such as obstetric ultrasonography and neurology. Velocity measurement of blood flow in arteries and veins based on Doppler Effect is an effective tool for diagnosis of vascular problems like stenosis. We may improving medical imaging and blood flow measurement by using a new Doppler Effect relationship, presented in this study. With the new proposed Doppler Effect relationship the precision of calculations increase very much and one may do all the measurements much better.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:58 PM
Deuteron Dimensions
The exact sizes of a Deuteron are extremely important today because deuterons are proposed for use as a raw material for the completion of the merger in the nuclear power station. The work proposes a study in the kinematic and dynamic design of a particle deuteron in motion. Mechanical equations of movement introduced are original and have been already determined for the study of a basic particle located in motion, such as for example the electron. The paper presents all the dimensions of a deuteron in motion, determined with an ultra-high precision depending on its speed of travel. The equation of motion has been deducted and using the theory of the mechanisms and of the classic mechanics because they have been used and moments of mechanical inertia mass of a body when it is in motion.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 6:59 PM
Biomimetic Finite Element Analysis Bone Modeling for Customized Hybrid Biological Prostheses Development
The human femur shows a high capacity to withstand external stresses and it is due to the mass distribution, morphology, and orthotropic behaviors of trabecular and cortical bone. Faithful modeling of the femur accounting for bone distribution and material orthotropic behavior is presented. The use of biofidel model is aimed to develop an ?in silico? tool that could enable the valuation of biomechanics modification induced by the alteration of the structural and morphological characteristic in prothesized bones. Moreover, a faithful model assists us in the development of new design criteria for innovative prosthetic systems that, following the isostatic loading lines, could restore the physiological and natural stress and strains distribution. In this study a biofidel femur Finite Element Model (FEM) has been developed from Computerized Tomography (CT) scans using specific combination of software?s to correctly represent bone physiology and structural behavior. Proper identification of trabecular bone arrangement and distribution in the proximal diaphysis enabled modeling and definition of material properties. The faithful femur model proposed allows us to correctly account for non-isotropic properties to the proximal end explaining the critical structural role played by trabecular bone that should be taken into account in the design of new innovative prosthetic system.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 7:00 PM
Physiologic Human Fluids and Swelling Behavior of Hydrophilic Biocompatible Hybrid Ceramo-Polymeric Materials
All synthetic and natural materials to be used in biomedical applications that involve the contact with human body need to be investigated for their physical and chemical modification induced by the human physiological fluids contact and sorption. The development and testing in human physiological equivalent fluids of new hybrid biomaterials are presented. The role of water and its equilibrium modification in the human physiology is discussed and the swelling and sorption behavior in the physiological environment of a nanostructured and osteoconductive biomaterials based on Poly-Hydroxyl-Ethyl-Meth Acrylate matrix (pHEMA) filled with fumed amorphous nanosilica particles is presented. This material differently swells in presence of aqueous physiological solution fluid. Biological hybrid scaffolds for bone regeneration and growth made using synthetic materials able to correctly interact with the physiological fluids while inducing the growth of biological tissues may favor the birth in the medical field of a new class of hybrid materials. Our multidisciplinary approach explores in the this paper, novel ideas in modeling, design and fabrication of new nanostructured scaffolding biomaterials with enhanced functionality and improved interaction with OB cells.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 7:01 PM
Modern Transportation and Photovoltaic Energy for Urban Ecotourism
This study proposes an innovative integrated transportation/photovoltaic energy system that will enable the Pompeii Municipality to develop a set of urban ecotourism policies and instruments for the preparation and adoption of an environmental sustainable mobility strategy to be applied in their future municipality urban plan. The innovative character of the study resides in two principal aspects: the technologies applied, namely, the use of thin film photovoltaic (hereafter PV) panels (copper-indium-gallium-(di)selenide cells) on a flexible support, and the way these technologies are applied. A combined energy/mobility approach based on ?Zero km and zero emission energy production for zero emission electric transportation strategy? to be implemented in the Public Urban Plan (Piano Urbanistico Comunale) of the town of Pompeii is presented. According to the technology to be adopted (thin PV film on flexible supports integrated in the parking shelters roofs), to the foreseen PV plant of 700 sqm parking lots, and to an innovative multifunctional design approach (bio-mimicking sun track roof), an improved yearly power production of 100.0 MWh is foreseen with a 20- 25% increase of power production with respect to standard fixed PV panels of the same type.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 7:02 PM
About the Gear Efficiency to a Simple Planetary Train
Synthesis of classical planetary mechanisms is usually based on kinematic relations, considering the achieved transmission ratio input-output. The planetary mechanisms are less synthesized based on their mechanical efficiency which is developed during operation, although this criterion is part of the real dynamics of mechanisms and also the most important criterion in terms of performance of a mechanism. Even when the efficiency criterion is considered, the determination of the planetary yield is made only with approximate relationships. The most widely recognized method is one method of Russian school of mechanisms. This paper will determine the method to calculate the mechanical efficiency of a planetary mechanism. The model will resolve one important problem of the dynamics of planetary mechanisms.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 7:03 PM
Gears-Part II
The paper presents an original method for the determination of the yield of the gearbox, gears forces, gearbox and power. It analyzes the influence of certain parameters which affects the efficiency of the gearbox. Also an original method for the determination of the yield of the drive shafts oriented on the basis of the ratio of contact is presented the brief. The relations submitted, can be dynamic synthesis of the drive shafts oriented, in order to enhance the effectiveness of the mechanisms of mesh.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 7:03 PM
Some Proposed Solutions to Achieve Nuclear Fusion
Despite research carried out around the world since the 1950s, no industrial application of fusion to energy production has yet succeeded, apart from nuclear weapons with the H-bomb, since this application does not aims at containing and controlling the reaction produced. There are, however, some other less mediated uses, such as neutron generators. The fusion of light nuclei releases enormous amounts of energy from the attraction between the nucleons due to the strong interaction (nuclear binding energy). Fusion it is with nuclear fission one of the two main types of nuclear reactions applied. The mass of the new atom obtained by the fusion is less than the sum of the masses of the two light atoms. In the process of fusion, part of the mass is transformed into energy in its simplest form: Heat. This loss is explained by the Einstein known formula E = mc2. Unlike nuclear fission, the fusion products themselves (mainly helium 4) are not radioactive, but when the reaction is used to emit fast neutrons, they can transform the nuclei that capture them into isotopes that some of them can be radioactive. In order to be able to start and to be maintained with the success the nuclear fusion reactions, it is first necessary to know all this reactions very well. This means that it is necessary to know both the main reactions that may take place in a nuclear reactor and their sense and effects. The main aim is to choose and coupling the most convenient reactions, forcing by technical means for their production in the reactor. Taking into account that there are a multitude of possible variants, it is necessary to consider in advance the solutions that we consider them optimal. The paper takes into account both variants of nuclear fusion and cold and hot. For each variant will be mentioned the minimum necessary specifications.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 7:04 PM
Influence of Curing Light Type and Staining Medium on the Discoloring Stability of Dental Restorative Composite
Discoloration kinetics of 4 commercial nano-filled resin composites polymerized with LED and QTH source types in 4 different staining media held at 37°C are investigated. Quartz Tungsten Halogen (QTH) and Light Emitting Diode (LED) were used. Dental composites color change was monitored with a digital spectrophotometer at one, two and four weeks for quantitative comparison. The kinetics and intensities of the color change in accelerated aging tests in staining media were monitored and discussed. Discoloring followed diffusive driven kinetics. The four composites polymerized with QTH light showed higher differences in color change intensities compared to LED cured ones. All the QTH cured samples have shown significant higher variations of color changes intensities compared to LED samples (p<0.05). LED cured composite showed comparatively more stable initial shade persistence than QTH cured ones, which may be explained in terms of higher level of polymerization and surface hardness reached by the LED light cure resinous composite matrix.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 7:05 PM
Something About the Mechanical Moment of Inertia
In this study, the relations to determining mass moments of inertia (mechanical) for different mass and mechanical inertia corresponding to geometric shapes, objects and profiles are explored. The formulas for calculating the mass moments of inertia (mechanical) for various bodies (various geometrical forms), to certain major axis indicated (as the axis of calculation) are presented. The total mass M of the body is used to determine the mass moment of inertia (mechanical). In the first part of the paper, an original method for determining the mass moment of inertia (mechanical) of the flywheel is presented. Mass moment of inertia (the whole mechanism) reduced at the crank (reduced to the element leader) consists in a constant mass inertia moment and one variable, to which we may include an additional mass moment of inertia flywheel, which aims to reduce the degree of unevenness of the mechanism and the default machine. The more the mass moment of inertia of the flywheel is increased the more the unevenness decreased and dynamic functioning of the mechanism is improved. Engineering optimization of these values can be realized through new relationships presented on the second paragraph of the article. Determining of the mass moment of inertia of the flywheel with the new method proposed is also based on the total kinetic energy conservation.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 7:06 PM
One Can Slow Down the Aging Through Antioxidants
Free radicals are natural nanoparticles which are doing their part well defined in the human cell, but then they must be annihilated or eliminated to not destroy the cell or another part of our body. It has been shown that residual free radicals in the body are responsible for the aging. The role to annihilate them is fulfilled by the antioxidants. Antioxidants are a group of compounds produced by the organism or that occur naturally in many foods. Antioxidants work together in the human body to maintain health and vigor, especially during the last decades of life. They do this by protecting us from harm caused by free radicals that can destroy skin and tissues healthy cells of the organism. Antioxidants are chemical compounds with many and varied applications. Naturally present in our diet, through fruits, vegetables, tea or red wine, they are recognized to be good for health. In fact, antioxidants protect our body's proteins and nucleic acids from oxidation. In the industry, antioxidants are also used as food additives to increase the shelf life of food. They are also present in the packaging or the wheels of cars because they prevent synthetic materials from becoming crumbly and brittle. Finally, in the cosmetics industry, creams containing antioxidants are known for their anti-aging properties. An antioxidant is a molecule that decreases or prevents the oxidation of other chemicals. Oxidation is part of an oxidation-reduction reaction that transfers electrons from a substance to an oxidizing agent. This reaction can produce radicals that cause destructive chain reactions. However, whatever the field of application, the unstable nature of antioxidants is a problem: The molecules degrade rapidly and have a particularly limited power of action over time.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 7:08 PM
Forces at Internal Combustion Engines
The paper presents an algorithm to set the parameters of the dynamics of the classic mechanism the main of internal combustion. It shows the distribution of the forces (on the main mechanism of the engine) on engines with internal combustion. Dynamic, the gears can be distributed in the same way as forces. Practically, in the dynamic regimes, the velocities have the same synchronization as forces. The method shall be applied separately for two distinct situations: When the engine is working on a compressor and in the system of the motor. For the two individual cases, two independent formulae are obtained for the dynamic cinematic forces (gearbox). The calculations shall be made for an engine with a single cylinder. The change of speed in the dynamics feels like a variation of the angular speed of the engine. It is more difficult to be taken into account (theoretically) effect on engine with several cylinders.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 7:08 PM
Kinematics and Forces to a New Model Forging Manipulator
Forging manipulators have become more prevalent in the industry of today. They are used to manipulate objects to be forged. The most common forging manipulators move on a railway to have a better precision and stability. Heavy payload forging manipulators systems are normally characterized by a large load output and a large capacitive load input as well. The relationship between outputs and inputs will greatly influence the control and the reliability. The great advantages are the decreasing energy consumption (during furnace operation) and the avoidance of damage to the furnace door, furnace lining, or the electrodes. Furthermore, an operator does not need to be in the hazardous area near the furnace. The compact design of these systems charging, stoking and distributing machines, along with a special lever system, allows these machines to be used in the most limited areas. The robust system machine presented in combination with the powerful drives system guarantees all the needed forces and accelerations. In contrast to solutions with rebuilt forklift trucks, the new machines discussed here provide unlimited view onto the working area, effective protection of the machines hydraulic to furnace heat radiation and clearly lower maintenance expenses. Furnace production and output increase while energy consumption and electricity cost go down. Furthermore, damages to the furnace door, furnace lining or the electrodes are avoided. Moreover, operators are better protected because nobody has to stay in hazardous area of the furnace. These machines use a monorail that allows charging, stoking and distributing from all positions. Additionally the rail leads to a service or parking positions for maintenance work in a protected area. On request the monorail may be extended so that one machine can work at several furnaces. New automatic machines may offer an alternative to rail-bound ones providing a fully automated variation of the mobile charging and stoking operations. In this study the general kinematics and forces of the main mechanism of one described manipulator have been analyzed.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 7:09 PM
Machine Motion Equations at the Internal Combustion Heat Engines
This paper presents an algorithm for setting the dynamic parameters of the classic main mechanism of the internal combustion engines. One presents the dynamic, original, machine motion equations. The equation of motion of the machine that generates angular speed of the shaft (which varies with position and rotation speed) is deduced by conservation kinetic energy of the machine. An additional variation of angular speed is added by multiplying by the coefficient dynamic (generated by the forces out of mechanism). Kinetic energy conservation shows angular speed variation (from the main shaft) with inertial masses, while the dynamic coefficient introduces the variation of ? with forces acting in the mechanism. Deriving the first equation of motion of the machine it obtains the second equation of motion dynamics. From the second equation of motion of the machine one determines the angular acceleration of the motor shaft. It shows the distribution of the forces (on the main mechanism of the engine) to the internal combustion heat engines. Dynamic, the velocities can be distributed in the same way as forces. Practically, in the dynamic regimes, the velocities have the same timing as the forces. The method is applied separately for two distinct situations: When the engine is working on a compressor and into the motor system. For the two separate cases, two independent formulas are obtained for the engine dynamic cinematic (forces speeds). Calculations should be made for an engine with a single cylinder.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 7:10 PM
Gears-Part I
The gears are today the most widespread and most frequently used mechanical transmissions, all over the world. They must be the factory on an industrial scale, everywhere and have a variety of uses, being extremely important for both the heavy machines of industrial buildings, as well as for domestic appliances, electronics, etc. meet the excessive size normal, big or even huge (used from ships, heavy machines or in energy), but also for the tools watches, or for devices of sizes micro. The work of front wishes to make an overview of the tools and then an introduction to the study of their general and a study customized for gears with fixed. The methods listed for the gears with fixed, can then be customized and used and the gears Planetary Drive (with axis elements). The work of the front and the original components, very much, such as: Geometry, forces, velocities, powers, outputs (gears), which form part of the actual dynamics of the mechanisms and also the most important criterion in respect of the performance of a mechanism.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 7:11 PM
Flexible Stem Trabecular Prostheses
The complex biomechanics and morphology of the femur proximal epiphysis are presented. This specific region in human femur is characterized by a high flexibility compared to that of other primates, since evolved lighter and longer due to the human vertical position and more balanced loading. The nature and fine morphology of the femur head and its structural behavior have been investigated. Isotropic and orthotropic trabecular structures, which are not present in other primates, have been associated to compression and tensioned areas of the femur head. These isotropic/orthotropic trabecularmorphologies and allocations govern the stress and strains distribution in the overall proximal femur region. Use of femur proper biofidel modeling while enabling the explanation of physiological stress distribution elucidates the critical mechanical role of the trabecular bone that should be accounted in the design new innovative more "biologic" prosthetic system.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 7:12 PM
Cam-Gears Forces, Velocities, Powers and Efficiency
The paper presents a method of the original type in order to determine the effectiveness of a mechanism camshaft and adept. The originality of this method consists of eliminating the friction. In this research analyzes the four types of side camshaft: 1. Camshaft rotary switch and the motherboard translated adept; 2. The mechanism with the camshaft rotary switch and openness to be translated with roll; The 3. The camshaft rotary switch and the rocking chair adept with roll; The 4. The camshaft rotary switch and the rocking chair adept. For any mechanism with the camshaft and the follower is uses a different method to determine the most efficient design. We take into account the mechanism (the timing end) cam, which is the second of the mechanism in internal combustion engines. Optimization of this mechanism (timing end), can improve the functionality of the engine and may increase the comfort of the vehicle too.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 7:13 PM
Dynamics of Mechanisms with Cams Illustrated in the Classical Distribution
The paper presents an original method to determine the general dynamics of rotating cam and lifting, customized to flat-plate mechanism. First, the dynamic cinematic is presented. Then the Lagrange equation is resolved and with an original dynamic model with a degree of freedom with variable internal damping the dynamic analysis of two models is then made. The mechanisms presented, scientifically called rigid memory mechanisms, are mechanical transmissions widely used in the economy for many years. They are widespread in the medical world, being used in various medical devices and in medical engineering, they also meet most of the vehicles mounted on their engines, with internal combustion, as valve distribution mechanisms, in the world of industrial robots, but also in the of mechanical transmissions. The cam and follower mechanisms have spread the first time they were used in the wars of tissue (automated tissue machines). The distribution mechanisms could not be replaced with other electromechanical systems because they did not have the necessary resistance and reliability.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 7:14 PM
We are Addicted to Vitamins C and E-A Review
A Canadian researchers team led by Dr. GC Willis, found that heart diseases are caused by hidden forms of scurvy and chronic and can be cured with high doses of vitamin C without heart surgery and drug treatments costly and with effects devastating side in organic plan. But the process of healing cardiovascular disease with vitamin C is not approved by the medical institutions and the pharmaceutical industry, which earns billions of dollars in surgeries and drugs that are used in allopathic therapies for various cardiac diseases. Canadian scientist discovery was confirmed in the late 80 s by Dr. Linus Pauling, Nobel laureate, the most noted human of his time. The medical care developed by Dr. Pauling include vitamin C with added lysine (amino acid nutritional qualities, existing in most plant and animal proteins) and it works cleanly, healing cardiopathy once thought were incurable. Dr. Pauling medical care records healing miracles coronary diseases. It had been identified back then that vitamin C deficiency within the body weakens human arteries by forming induration of the arteries plaques (infiltration of the walls of the artery and arteries with fat), that blocks blood circulation. This paper aims to spotlight the importance of vitamin C for the treatment and prevention of circulatory diseases especially. The daily minimum demand of vitamin C at tissues and cells level for a healthy person is: 75 mg/day women, 90 mg/day for men, 100 mg/day smokers. But always need a bigger tank because these amounts could reach all tissues and cells of a healthy organism: about 500-1000 mg/day. When the body is disturbed or ill, quantities required to repair cells, are much higher 5000-10000 mg/day.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 7:15 PM
Geometrical Synthesis of the Distribution Mechanisms
In this study the author presents shortly some few original trigonometric methods to make the synthesis of some main distribution mechanisms. One presents four main modules of distribution mechanisms, with rotary cam and translated or rotated tappet plane or with roll, used with priority at the distribution mechanisms from the heat engines with internal combustion. These types of distribution mechanisms can improve the changes of gases and may decrease significantly the level of vibration, noises and emissions. As long as we produce electricity and heat by burning fossil fuels is pointless to try to replace all thermal engines with electric motors, as loss of energy and pollution will be even larger. However, it is well to continuously improve the thermal engines, to reduce thus fuel consumption. At the heat engine with internal combustion a great loss of power is realized and by the distribution mechanism, reason for that we must try to improve the functionality of this mechanism. The synthesis of these types of distribution mechanisms can be made shortly by the Cartesian coordinates, but to determine these coordinates we need and some trigonometric parameters of the mechanisms.
Posted May 24, 2018 at 7:16 PM
Full-text available · Article · Dec 2016 · American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Full-text available · Article · Dec 2016 · American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Full-text available · Article · Dec 2016 · American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Full-text available · Article · Dec 2016 · American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Full-text available · Article · Dec 2016 · American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Full-text available · Article · Dec 2016 · American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Full-text available · Article · Nov 2016 · American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Full-text available · Article · Nov 2016 · American Journal of Applied Sciences
Full-text available · Article · Nov 2016 · American Journal of Applied Sciences
Full-text available · Article · Dec 2016 · American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Full-text available · Article · Dec 2016 · American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Full-text available · Article · Dec 2016 · American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Full-text available · Article · Dec 2016 · American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Full-text available · Article · Dec 2016 · American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Full-text available · Article · Dec 2016
International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research
Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research is a peer-reviewed, international open access journal which covers all aspects of theoretical and practical research of materials science. The journal aims in fact to present international discussion on advancements, major outcomes and developments in materials research. In this regard, careful consideration is paid for theoretical, experimental and numerical research on novel engineering application of advanced materials, including structural glass and hybrid systems, fiber-reinforced pultruded solutions, composites, laminates and shape memory alloys. High-quality review papers, technical notes, discussions, case studies and letters are welcome. Coverage includes design philosophy & safety concepts, extreme loading conditions, strength and stability, structural innovation, construction engineering, sustainability and architectural aspects, as well as fabrication techniques relevant to the application of advanced materials as load-bearing components or assemblies.
The Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology is devoted to the advancement of the applied science and technology of aircraft and spacecraft through the publication of original archival papers. Papers are sought that describe advances in technology, material developments, modelling, design methodologies, performance evaluation, manufacturing, and mission design for all aspects of aircraft and spacecraft. The Journal seeks papers related to general aviation, military and civilian aircraft, UAV, STOL and V/STOL, subsonic, supersonic, transonic, and hypersonic aircraft. The journal also seeks papers related to spacecraft systems and subsystems, missile systems and subsystems, mission design and analysis, reentry devices, trans-atmospheric vehicles, human and environmental factors in space craft, and space instrumentation. The Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology publishes original research papers, review papers, case studies, and short communications.
The Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology publishes articles of outstanding quality. Each article is reviewed by minimum of two referees. The journal welcomes papers from a wide range of countries. This journal publishes original research papers, review papers, case studies, and short communications related to the advancement of the applied science and technology of aircraft and spacecraft.
The Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics (JMR) publishes original and innovative research and practical developments in the field of mechatronics and robotics. The journal covers a wide range of application areas, such as robotic-assisted manufacturing; advanced mechanisms and robotics; systems modelling and analysis; instrumentation and device control; automation systems; intelligent sensing and control; medical robotics; bio inspired robots; autonomous and complex systems; micro/nano manipulators and systems; robotic-assisted surgery; simulation robotics and mechanisms; sensor design, sensor-fusion and sensor-based control; teleoperation and telerobotics; aerospace systems. The Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics (JMR) publishes original research papers, review papers, case studies, and patent alerts on the latest innovations in methodologies, technologies, and products within the fields of mechatronics and robotics.
The primary objective of the Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics is to foster the synergistic integration of diverse disciplines, such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, manufacturing engineering, computer and software engineering, and artificial and computational intelligence, which form the necessary components of modern intelligent mechatronics, robotics, and automation systems. We wish to stimulate interaction between researchers, engineers, and practitioners from academia, industry, and governments. The journal wishes that in the end to reach the main purpose of robotics and mechatronics, namely, their use for the conquest of the Universe by humanity.
Biofidel FEA Modeling of Customized Hybrid Biological Hip Joint Prostheses, Part I: Biomechanical Behavior of Implanted Femur
Biofidel FEA Modeling of Customized Hybrid Biological Hip Joint Prostheses, Part I: Biomechanical Behavior of Implanted Femur Raffaella Aversa, Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu and Antonio Apicella DOI : 10.3844/ajbbsp.2016.270.276 American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology Volume 12, Issue 4 Pages 270-276 Abstract Biofidel femur Finite Element Models have been developed using specific combination of Computer Tomography segmentation and solid modeling software tools able to represent bone physiology and structural behavior. These biofidel Finite Element Models (FEM) is used to evaluate the modification of the physiological stress distribution in a prosthesized femur and to assess new design criteria for the development of biomimetic hybrid biological hip prostheses. The faithful models proposed allowed us to properly consider the not isotropic characteristics of the proximal epiphysis of the femur and for the isotropic behavior in diaphysis to explain the critical alterations of the stress distribution in a resected femur following the implantation of a traditional hip joint prostheses. It has been shown that a wide region of the femur diaphysis is completely shielded by the rigid prosthesis significantly altering the physiological stress distribution that should guaranty a healthy bone growth and regeneration. Copyright © 2016 Raffaella Aversa, Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu and Antonio Apicella. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 8, 2017 at 12:53 PM
Biofidel FEA Modeling of Customized Hybrid Biological Hip Joint Prostheses, Part I: Biomechanical Behavior of Implanted Femur
Biofidel FEA Modeling of Customized Hybrid Biological Hip Joint Prostheses, Part I: Biomechanical Behavior of Implanted Femur Raffaella Aversa, Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu and Antonio Apicella DOI : 10.3844/ajbbsp.2016.270.276 American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology Volume 12, Issue 4 Pages 270-276 Abstract Biofidel femur Finite Element Models have been developed using specific combination of Computer Tomography segmentation and solid modeling software tools able to represent bone physiology and structural behavior. These biofidel Finite Element Models (FEM) is used to evaluate the modification of the physiological stress distribution in a prosthesized femur and to assess new design criteria for the development of biomimetic hybrid biological hip prostheses. The faithful models proposed allowed us to properly consider the not isotropic characteristics of the proximal epiphysis of the femur and for the isotropic behavior in diaphysis to explain the critical alterations of the stress distribution in a resected femur following the implantation of a traditional hip joint prostheses. It has been shown that a wide region of the femur diaphysis is completely shielded by the rigid prosthesis significantly altering the physiological stress distribution that should guaranty a healthy bone growth and regeneration. Copyright © 2016 Raffaella Aversa, Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu and Antonio Apicella. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 8, 2017 at 12:54 PM
Biofidel FEA Modeling of Customized Hybrid Biological Hip Joint Design Part II: Flexible Stem Trabecular Prostheses
Raffaella Aversa, Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu and Antonio Apicella DOI : 10.3844/ajbbsp.2016.277.285 American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology Volume 12, Issue 4 Pages 277-285 Abstract New biomechanical criteria for the design of biomimetic hip joint prostheses are presented. Biofidel Finite Element Models have been used both to correctly analyze femur physiological and structural behavior and to assess a new design criterion for the development of innovative hybrid biological hip prostheses. Proper identification of isostatic lines and isorigidity regions for the sintered metal trabecular lattices distribution between the proximal and distal part of the stem has been carried out. The faithful models enables us to properly take into account not-isotropic properties of the femur proximal end, while clarifying the critical mechanical role of the trabecular bone that should be taken into account to design new innovative prosthetic system. Copyright © 2016 Raffaella Aversa, Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu and Antonio Apicella. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 8, 2017 at 1:16 PM
Biofidel FEA Modeling of Customized Hybrid Biological Hip Joint Design Part II: Flexible Stem Trabecular Prostheses
Raffaella Aversa, Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu and Antonio Apicella DOI : 10.3844/ajbbsp.2016.277.285 American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology Volume 12, Issue 4 Pages 277-285 Abstract New biomechanical criteria for the design of biomimetic hip joint prostheses are presented. Biofidel Finite Element Models have been used both to correctly analyze femur physiological and structural behavior and to assess a new design criterion for the development of innovative hybrid biological hip prostheses. Proper identification of isostatic lines and isorigidity regions for the sintered metal trabecular lattices distribution between the proximal and distal part of the stem has been carried out. The faithful models enables us to properly take into account not-isotropic properties of the femur proximal end, while clarifying the critical mechanical role of the trabecular bone that should be taken into account to design new innovative prosthetic system. Copyright © 2016 Raffaella Aversa, Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu and Antonio Apicella. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 8, 2017 at 1:17 PM
About the Gear Efficiency to a Simple Planetary Train
Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Raffaella Aversa, Antonio Apicella, MirMilad Mirsayar and Florian Ion T. Petrescu DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.1428.1436 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 12 Pages 1428-1436 Abstract Synthesis of classical planetary mechanisms is usually based on kinematic relations, considering the achieved transmission ratio input-output. The planetary mechanisms are less synthesized based on their mechanical efficiency which is developed during operation, although this criterion is part of the real dynamics of mechanisms and also the most important criterion in terms of performance of a mechanism. Even when the efficiency criterion is considered, the determination of the planetary yield is made only with approximate relationships. The most widely recognized method is one method of Russian school of mechanisms. This paper will determine the method to calculate the mechanical efficiency of a planetary mechanism. The model will resolve one important problem of the dynamics of planetary mechanisms. Copyright © 2016 Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Raffaella Aversa, Antonio Apicella, MirMilad Mirsayar and Florian Ion T. Petrescu. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 8, 2017 at 2:00 PM
About the Gear Efficiency to a Simple Planetary Train
Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Raffaella Aversa, Antonio Apicella, MirMilad Mirsayar and Florian Ion T. Petrescu DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.1428.1436 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 12 Pages 1428-1436 Abstract Synthesis of classical planetary mechanisms is usually based on kinematic relations, considering the achieved transmission ratio input-output. The planetary mechanisms are less synthesized based on their mechanical efficiency which is developed during operation, although this criterion is part of the real dynamics of mechanisms and also the most important criterion in terms of performance of a mechanism. Even when the efficiency criterion is considered, the determination of the planetary yield is made only with approximate relationships. The most widely recognized method is one method of Russian school of mechanisms. This paper will determine the method to calculate the mechanical efficiency of a planetary mechanism. The model will resolve one important problem of the dynamics of planetary mechanisms. Copyright © 2016 Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Raffaella Aversa, Antonio Apicella, MirMilad Mirsayar and Florian Ion T. Petrescu. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 8, 2017 at 2:00 PM
Glassy Amorphous Metal Injection Molded Induced Morphological Defects
Raffaella Aversa, Daniela Parcesepe, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Guanying Chen, Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Francesco Tamburrino and Antonio Apicella DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.1476.1482 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 12 Pages 1476-1482 Abstract Melt rheology in injection molded metastable supercooled liquid metal of Zr44-Ti11-Cu10-Ni10-Be25 alloy may induce selective crystallizations. High mobility Be, Cu and Ni atoms have been observed to differently crystallize in bulk metal glassy supercooled liquids. Here, we analyze the result of morphological microscopic observation conduct on Bulk Metallic Glass (BMG) with composition of a commercial liquid metal alloy (LM001B). The injection molded plate has been supplied by "Liquid Metals Technologies Inc, Ca USA" and manufactured using an Engel injection molding machine operating at 1050-1100°C; the observed sample then has been cut by water jet. FEI Scios Dual-Beam has carried out the microscopic observation. Particularly, through a cross section, we observe the presence of crystalline phases on the short-range order. We investigate the presence of short-range order clusters, their distribution and the effect that they could cause on the alloys' behaviors and properties. Copyright © 2016 Raffaella Aversa, Daniela Parcesepe, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Guanying Chen, Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Francesco Tamburrino and Antonio Apicella. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 8, 2017 at 2:23 PM
Glassy Amorphous Metal Injection Molded Induced Morphological Defects
Raffaella Aversa, Daniela Parcesepe, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Guanying Chen, Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Francesco Tamburrino and Antonio Apicella DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.1476.1482 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 12 Pages 1476-1482 Abstract Melt rheology in injection molded metastable supercooled liquid metal of Zr44-Ti11-Cu10-Ni10-Be25 alloy may induce selective crystallizations. High mobility Be, Cu and Ni atoms have been observed to differently crystallize in bulk metal glassy supercooled liquids. Here, we analyze the result of morphological microscopic observation conduct on Bulk Metallic Glass (BMG) with composition of a commercial liquid metal alloy (LM001B). The injection molded plate has been supplied by "Liquid Metals Technologies Inc, Ca USA" and manufactured using an Engel injection molding machine operating at 1050-1100°C; the observed sample then has been cut by water jet. FEI Scios Dual-Beam has carried out the microscopic observation. Particularly, through a cross section, we observe the presence of crystalline phases on the short-range order. We investigate the presence of short-range order clusters, their distribution and the effect that they could cause on the alloys' behaviors and properties. Copyright © 2016 Raffaella Aversa, Daniela Parcesepe, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Guanying Chen, Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Francesco Tamburrino and Antonio Apicella. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 8, 2017 at 2:23 PM
Biomimetic Finite Element Analysis Bone Modeling for Customized Hybrid Biological Prostheses Development
Aversa Raffaella, Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu and Apicella Antonio DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.1060.1067 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 11 Pages 1060-1067 Abstract The human femur shows a high capacity to withstand external stresses and it is due to the mass distribution, morphology, and orthotropic behaviors of trabecular and cortical bone. Faithful modeling of the femur accounting for bone distribution and material orthotropic behavior is presented. The use of biofidel model is aimed to develop an "in silico" tool that could enable the valuation of biomechanics modification induced by the alteration of the structural and morphological characteristic in prothesized bones. Moreover, a faithful model assists us in the development of new design criteria for innovative prosthetic systems that, following the isostatic loading lines, could restore the physiological and natural stress and strains distribution. In this study a biofidel femur Finite Element Model (FEM) has been developed from Computerized Tomography (CT) scans using specific combination of software's to correctly represent bone physiology and structural behavior. Proper identification of trabecular bone arrangement and distribution in the proximal diaphysis enabled modeling and definition of material properties. The faithful femur model proposed allows us to correctly account for non-isotropic properties to the proximal end explaining the critical structural role played by trabecular bone that should be taken into account in the design of new innovative prosthetic system. Copyright © 2016 Aversa Raffaella, Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu and Apicella Antonio. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 9, 2017 at 1:17 AM
Biomimetic Finite Element Analysis Bone Modeling for Customized Hybrid Biological Prostheses Development
Aversa Raffaella, Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu and Apicella Antonio DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.1060.1067 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 11 Pages 1060-1067 Abstract The human femur shows a high capacity to withstand external stresses and it is due to the mass distribution, morphology, and orthotropic behaviors of trabecular and cortical bone. Faithful modeling of the femur accounting for bone distribution and material orthotropic behavior is presented. The use of biofidel model is aimed to develop an "in silico" tool that could enable the valuation of biomechanics modification induced by the alteration of the structural and morphological characteristic in prothesized bones. Moreover, a faithful model assists us in the development of new design criteria for innovative prosthetic systems that, following the isostatic loading lines, could restore the physiological and natural stress and strains distribution. In this study a biofidel femur Finite Element Model (FEM) has been developed from Computerized Tomography (CT) scans using specific combination of software's to correctly represent bone physiology and structural behavior. Proper identification of trabecular bone arrangement and distribution in the proximal diaphysis enabled modeling and definition of material properties. The faithful femur model proposed allows us to correctly account for non-isotropic properties to the proximal end explaining the critical structural role played by trabecular bone that should be taken into account in the design of new innovative prosthetic system. Copyright © 2016 Aversa Raffaella, Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu and Apicella Antonio. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 9, 2017 at 1:18 AM
Something about the Mechanical Moment of Inertia
Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Antonio Apicella, Aversa Raffaella, Relly Victoria Petrescu, John Kaiser Calautit, MirMilad Mirsayar and Aniello Riccio DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.1085.1090 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 11 Pages 1085-1090 Abstract In this study, the relations to determining mass moments of inertia (mechanical) for different mass and mechanical inertia corresponding to geometric shapes, objects and profiles are explored. The formulas for calculating the mass moments of inertia (mechanical) for various bodies (various geometrical forms), to certain major axis indicated (as the axis of calculation) are presented. The total mass M of the body is used to determine the mass moment of inertia (mechanical). In the first part of the paper, an original method for determining the mass moment of inertia (mechanical) of the flywheel is presented. Mass moment of inertia (the whole mechanism) reduced at the crank (reduced to the element leader) consists in a constant mass inertia moment and one variable, to which we may include an additional mass moment of inertia flywheel, which aims to reduce the degree of unevenness of the mechanism and the default machine. The more the mass moment of inertia of the flywheel is increased the more the unevenness decreased and dynamic functioning of the mechanism is improved. Engineering optimization of these values can be realized through new relationships presented on the second paragraph of the article. Determining of the mass moment of inertia of the flywheel with the new method proposed is also based on the total kinetic energy conservation. Copyright © 2016 Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Antonio Apicella, Aversa Raffaella, Relly Victoria Petrescu, John Kaiser Calautit, MirMilad Mirsayar and Aniello Riccio. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 9, 2017 at 1:41 AM
Something about the Mechanical Moment of Inertia
Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Antonio Apicella, Aversa Raffaella, Relly Victoria Petrescu, John Kaiser Calautit, MirMilad Mirsayar and Aniello Riccio DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.1085.1090 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 11 Pages 1085-1090 Abstract In this study, the relations to determining mass moments of inertia (mechanical) for different mass and mechanical inertia corresponding to geometric shapes, objects and profiles are explored. The formulas for calculating the mass moments of inertia (mechanical) for various bodies (various geometrical forms), to certain major axis indicated (as the axis of calculation) are presented. The total mass M of the body is used to determine the mass moment of inertia (mechanical). In the first part of the paper, an original method for determining the mass moment of inertia (mechanical) of the flywheel is presented. Mass moment of inertia (the whole mechanism) reduced at the crank (reduced to the element leader) consists in a constant mass inertia moment and one variable, to which we may include an additional mass moment of inertia flywheel, which aims to reduce the degree of unevenness of the mechanism and the default machine. The more the mass moment of inertia of the flywheel is increased the more the unevenness decreased and dynamic functioning of the mechanism is improved. Engineering optimization of these values can be realized through new relationships presented on the second paragraph of the article. Determining of the mass moment of inertia of the flywheel with the new method proposed is also based on the total kinetic energy conservation. Copyright © 2016 Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Antonio Apicella, Aversa Raffaella, Relly Victoria Petrescu, John Kaiser Calautit, MirMilad Mirsayar and Aniello Riccio. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 9, 2017 at 1:41 AM
Biomechanically Inspired Shape Memory Effect Machines Driven by Muscle like Acting NiTi Alloys
Raffaella Aversa, Francesco Tamburrino, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Mateus Artur, Guanying Chen and Antonio Apicella DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.1264.1271 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 11 Pages 1264-1271 Abstract The research shows a bioinspired approach to be adopted to design of systems based on Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs), a class of Smart Materials that has in common with muscles the capability to react to an impulse (thermal for SMAs) with a contraction. The biomechanically inspired machine that is discussed in the paper refers to the antagonistic muscles pairs, which belongs to the Skeletal Muscles and are normally arranged in opposition so that as one group of muscles contract another group relaxes or lengthens. The study proposes a model, a solution not only to design a specific application, but also to provide an approach to be used for a wide range of adaptive applications (switchable windows, smart shadow systems, parking and urban shelters, etc.), where the shape changes in response to different external stimuli. The use of antagonist pairs mechanism provides a solution for better optimized systems based on SMAs where the main and proven advantages are: Easier and faster change of shape, lower need of energy for system operation, lower cost for SMA training and no problem of overheating. Copyright © 2016 Raffaella Aversa, Francesco Tamburrino, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Mateus Artur, Guanying Chen and Antonio Apicella. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 9, 2017 at 1:43 AM
Biomechanically Inspired Shape Memory Effect Machines Driven by Muscle like Acting NiTi Alloys
Raffaella Aversa, Francesco Tamburrino, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Mateus Artur, Guanying Chen and Antonio Apicella DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.1264.1271 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 11 Pages 1264-1271 Abstract The research shows a bioinspired approach to be adopted to design of systems based on Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs), a class of Smart Materials that has in common with muscles the capability to react to an impulse (thermal for SMAs) with a contraction. The biomechanically inspired machine that is discussed in the paper refers to the antagonistic muscles pairs, which belongs to the Skeletal Muscles and are normally arranged in opposition so that as one group of muscles contract another group relaxes or lengthens. The study proposes a model, a solution not only to design a specific application, but also to provide an approach to be used for a wide range of adaptive applications (switchable windows, smart shadow systems, parking and urban shelters, etc.), where the shape changes in response to different external stimuli. The use of antagonist pairs mechanism provides a solution for better optimized systems based on SMAs where the main and proven advantages are: Easier and faster change of shape, lower need of energy for system operation, lower cost for SMA training and no problem of overheating. Copyright © 2016 Raffaella Aversa, Francesco Tamburrino, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Mateus Artur, Guanying Chen and Antonio Apicella. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 9, 2017 at 1:44 AM
Something about Electron Dimension
Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Raffaella Aversa, Antonio Apicella, Shuhui Li, Guanying Chen, MirMilad Mirsayar and Florian Ion T. Petrescu DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.1272.1276 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 11 Pages 1272-1276 Abstract In this study will be exposed the theoretical principles necessary for the determination of the exact size of an electron in motion, depending on its speed of travel. Equations, aimed to accurately determines the radius R of the electron in motion, relating the electron moving speed v and its rest mass m0 are discussed. Mechanical moment of inertia of a sphere around of one of its diameters shall be determined by the relationship relating the total kinetic energy of one electron in motion, as a sum of the two components (translational and rotational). Using the theory of Louis de Broglie, which shows the conservation of the pulse, the wavelength (particle associated) has been calculated. Wave frequency (associated with the electron in motion) has been determined and moving electron kinetic energy has been estimated by subtracting the total electron rest energy from total electron energy in movement. Copyright © 2016 Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Raffaella Aversa, Antonio Apicella, Shuhui Li, Guanying Chen, MirMilad Mirsayar and Florian Ion T. Petrescu. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 9, 2017 at 2:12 AM
Something about Electron Dimension
Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Raffaella Aversa, Antonio Apicella, Shuhui Li, Guanying Chen, MirMilad Mirsayar and Florian Ion T. Petrescu DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.1272.1276 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 11 Pages 1272-1276 Abstract In this study will be exposed the theoretical principles necessary for the determination of the exact size of an electron in motion, depending on its speed of travel. Equations, aimed to accurately determines the radius R of the electron in motion, relating the electron moving speed v and its rest mass m0 are discussed. Mechanical moment of inertia of a sphere around of one of its diameters shall be determined by the relationship relating the total kinetic energy of one electron in motion, as a sum of the two components (translational and rotational). Using the theory of Louis de Broglie, which shows the conservation of the pulse, the wavelength (particle associated) has been calculated. Wave frequency (associated with the electron in motion) has been determined and moving electron kinetic energy has been estimated by subtracting the total electron rest energy from total electron energy in movement. Copyright © 2016 Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Raffaella Aversa, Antonio Apicella, Shuhui Li, Guanying Chen, MirMilad Mirsayar and Florian Ion T. Petrescu. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 9, 2017 at 2:13 AM
Smart-Factory: Optimization and Process Control of Composite Centrifuged Pipes
Raffaella Aversa, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Florian Ion T. Petrescu and Antonio Apicella DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.1330.1341 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 11 Pages 1330-1341 Abstract Process optimization strategies and intelligent control algorithms for an industrial centrifugal pipe production are presented. The chemo-rheological and thermo-kinetic features of the polymerization of unsaturated polyester based composites are analyzed by means of a mathematical model that uses the heat transfer and generation properties of polymerizable systems. The evolution of the system temperature, viscosity and degree of cure profiles in a composite centrifuged pipe wall have been identified and mathematically described. The temperature profiles were calculated according to an appropriate kinetic and heat transfer modeling and then the corresponding viscosity profiles were evaluated. The viscosity and kinetic parameters to use in the model were measured in calorimetric and rheological tests. A commercial polyester system, which is used for centrifugal forming, has been catalyzed with two different types of peroxide (Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone and Acetyl-Acetone peroxides) and characterized by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and adiabatic peak temperature measurements (gel time tests). The problem of incomplete cure in sections of the pipe wall has been discussed with respect to the processing conditions and creep behavior. Experimentally verification of thermal theoretical modeling and creep tests have been carried out on a system catalyzed with AA peroxide and processed in two different ways. The thermo-kinetic process modeling and control adequately predicts the thermal behavior at the internal surface of pipes that has been used to optimize by simulation of two different centrifugal pipe processing thermal cycles. Copyright © 2016 Raffaella Aversa, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Florian Ion T. Petrescu and Antonio Apicella. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 9, 2017 at 2:14 AM
Smart-Factory: Optimization and Process Control of Composite Centrifuged Pipes
Raffaella Aversa, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Florian Ion T. Petrescu and Antonio Apicella DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.1330.1341 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 11 Pages 1330-1341 Abstract Process optimization strategies and intelligent control algorithms for an industrial centrifugal pipe production are presented. The chemo-rheological and thermo-kinetic features of the polymerization of unsaturated polyester based composites are analyzed by means of a mathematical model that uses the heat transfer and generation properties of polymerizable systems. The evolution of the system temperature, viscosity and degree of cure profiles in a composite centrifuged pipe wall have been identified and mathematically described. The temperature profiles were calculated according to an appropriate kinetic and heat transfer modeling and then the corresponding viscosity profiles were evaluated. The viscosity and kinetic parameters to use in the model were measured in calorimetric and rheological tests. A commercial polyester system, which is used for centrifugal forming, has been catalyzed with two different types of peroxide (Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone and Acetyl-Acetone peroxides) and characterized by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and adiabatic peak temperature measurements (gel time tests). The problem of incomplete cure in sections of the pipe wall has been discussed with respect to the processing conditions and creep behavior. Experimentally verification of thermal theoretical modeling and creep tests have been carried out on a system catalyzed with AA peroxide and processed in two different ways. The thermo-kinetic process modeling and control adequately predicts the thermal behavior at the internal surface of pipes that has been used to optimize by simulation of two different centrifugal pipe processing thermal cycles. Copyright © 2016 Raffaella Aversa, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Florian Ion T. Petrescu and Antonio Apicella. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 9, 2017 at 2:14 AM
Ecosphere Protection through Green Energy
Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Raffaella Aversa, Antonio Apicella, Filippo Berto, Shuhui Li and Florian Ion T. Petrescu DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.1027.1032 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 10 Pages 1027-1032 Abstract A systemic approach, comprising all research and development activities that support the expansion of eco-efficient industrial and social systems fulfilling market and social-cultural constrains, is required to accomplish the challenge for competitiveness and sustainability along with an increasingly dynamic and complex global scientific, industrial and cultural scenarios. Ecosphere protection through the implementation of green energy is becoming a daily technological reality. Especially in recent years, various sources of green energy have been introduced in our Technosphere and Valuesphere. The process, which has began with difficulty but finally resulted in the acceleration and implementation of new green energy technologies, is still impaired by major emerging limitations. The most worldwide experienced difficult obstacle was the unpredictable and fluctuating green energy production. This study proposes some solutions designed to solve this unpleasant aspect of inconstant production of green energy. The basic idea refers to the construction of specially designed hydroelectric plant that represents a true energy buffer. A hydroelectric old (adequately equipped) or a new one built according to this principle, can become a true buffer energetic, able to take energy generated by the turbines at full capacity (energy otherwise lost by unable to be stored or taken over by the national network) and a national system restore when green energy sources produce shorten. Copyright © 2016 Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Raffaella Aversa, Antonio Apicella, Filippo Berto, Shuhui Li and Florian Ion T. Petrescu. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 9, 2017 at 9:59 AM
Ecosphere Protection through Green Energy
Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Raffaella Aversa, Antonio Apicella, Filippo Berto, Shuhui Li and Florian Ion T. Petrescu DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.1027.1032 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 10 Pages 1027-1032 Abstract A systemic approach, comprising all research and development activities that support the expansion of eco-efficient industrial and social systems fulfilling market and social-cultural constrains, is required to accomplish the challenge for competitiveness and sustainability along with an increasingly dynamic and complex global scientific, industrial and cultural scenarios. Ecosphere protection through the implementation of green energy is becoming a daily technological reality. Especially in recent years, various sources of green energy have been introduced in our Technosphere and Valuesphere. The process, which has began with difficulty but finally resulted in the acceleration and implementation of new green energy technologies, is still impaired by major emerging limitations. The most worldwide experienced difficult obstacle was the unpredictable and fluctuating green energy production. This study proposes some solutions designed to solve this unpleasant aspect of inconstant production of green energy. The basic idea refers to the construction of specially designed hydroelectric plant that represents a true energy buffer. A hydroelectric old (adequately equipped) or a new one built according to this principle, can become a true buffer energetic, able to take energy generated by the turbines at full capacity (energy otherwise lost by unable to be stored or taken over by the national network) and a national system restore when green energy sources produce shorten. Copyright © 2016 Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Raffaella Aversa, Antonio Apicella, Filippo Berto, Shuhui Li and Florian Ion T. Petrescu. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 9, 2017 at 10:00 AM
Environmental Protection through Nuclear Energy
Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Antonio Apicella, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Samuel P. Kozaitis, Ronald B. Bucinell, Raffaella Aversa and Taher M. Abu-Lebdeh DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.941.946 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 9 Pages 941-946 Abstract Environmental protection through implementation of green energies is progressively becoming a daily reality. Numerous sources of green energy were introduced in recent years. Although this process initially started with difficulties, it finally resulted in an acceleration and implementation of new green energy technologies. Nonetheless, new major obstacles are emerging. The most worldwide difficult obstacle encountered, especially for wind and photovoltaic electric power plants, is the not regular and predictable green energy production. This study proposes solutions designed to solve this unpleasant aspect of irregular production of green energy. The basic idea refers to the construction of specially designed nuclear power plants acting as energy buffers. Nuclear power plants, indeed, may behave as proper energy buffers able to work to a minimum capacity when the green energy (i.e., wind power or PV) is steadily produced (namely, when the energy generated by the turbines or PV panels is at full constant capacity) but that can also run at progressively increased capacities when the wind or solar energy production reduces or stops. The work get two major contributions: 1-propose to the achievement of an energy buffer using nuclear power plants (for the moment on nuclear fission); 2-shows some theoretical aspects important needed to carry out the reaction of the fusion. Copyright © 2016 Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Antonio Apicella, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Samuel P. Kozaitis, Ronald B. Bucinell, Raffaella Aversa and Taher M. Abu-Lebdeh. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 9, 2017 at 10:24 AM
Environmental Protection through Nuclear Energy
Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Antonio Apicella, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Samuel P. Kozaitis, Ronald B. Bucinell, Raffaella Aversa and Taher M. Abu-Lebdeh DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.941.946 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 9 Pages 941-946 Abstract Environmental protection through implementation of green energies is progressively becoming a daily reality. Numerous sources of green energy were introduced in recent years. Although this process initially started with difficulties, it finally resulted in an acceleration and implementation of new green energy technologies. Nonetheless, new major obstacles are emerging. The most worldwide difficult obstacle encountered, especially for wind and photovoltaic electric power plants, is the not regular and predictable green energy production. This study proposes solutions designed to solve this unpleasant aspect of irregular production of green energy. The basic idea refers to the construction of specially designed nuclear power plants acting as energy buffers. Nuclear power plants, indeed, may behave as proper energy buffers able to work to a minimum capacity when the green energy (i.e., wind power or PV) is steadily produced (namely, when the energy generated by the turbines or PV panels is at full constant capacity) but that can also run at progressively increased capacities when the wind or solar energy production reduces or stops. The work get two major contributions: 1-propose to the achievement of an energy buffer using nuclear power plants (for the moment on nuclear fission); 2-shows some theoretical aspects important needed to carry out the reaction of the fusion. Copyright © 2016 Florian Ion T. Petrescu, Antonio Apicella, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Samuel P. Kozaitis, Ronald B. Bucinell, Raffaella Aversa and Taher M. Abu-Lebdeh. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 9, 2017 at 10:24 AM
About Nano Fusion and Dynamic Fusion
Florian Ion T. Petrescu and John Kaiser Calautit DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.261.266 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 3 Pages 261-266 Abstract Hot fusion is currently a difficult goal to accomplish due to the high temperatures required, which are difficult to achieve and also to be maintained. For these reason, it is much easier to try to achieve cold fusion, or a combined method. In this paper, the author will briefly present some original relationships for setting up a theoretical model for cold fusion. It will be determined the radius of a moving elementary particle and will be calculated the potential energy of the two adjacent particles. In addition, the necessary speed of the accelerated particles when they will collide to start cold fusion will be determined. The radius of an electron or a nucleus at rest is close to nano sizes. Because of this, static, the fusion working with nanoparticles. It was evaluated that dynamic nanoparticles dimensions are much smaller than when they are at rest. Copyright © 2016 Florian Ion T. Petrescu and John Kaiser Calautit. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 9, 2017 at 11:18 AM
About Nano Fusion and Dynamic Fusion
Florian Ion T. Petrescu and John Kaiser Calautit DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.261.266 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 3 Pages 261-266 Abstract Hot fusion is currently a difficult goal to accomplish due to the high temperatures required, which are difficult to achieve and also to be maintained. For these reason, it is much easier to try to achieve cold fusion, or a combined method. In this paper, the author will briefly present some original relationships for setting up a theoretical model for cold fusion. It will be determined the radius of a moving elementary particle and will be calculated the potential energy of the two adjacent particles. In addition, the necessary speed of the accelerated particles when they will collide to start cold fusion will be determined. The radius of an electron or a nucleus at rest is close to nano sizes. Because of this, static, the fusion working with nanoparticles. It was evaluated that dynamic nanoparticles dimensions are much smaller than when they are at rest. Copyright © 2016 Florian Ion T. Petrescu and John Kaiser Calautit. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 9, 2017 at 11:18 AM
About the Light Dimensions
Florian Ion T. Petrescu and John Kaiser Calautit DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.321.325 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 3 Pages 321-325 Abstract Light is one of the most fascinating something of all the time. This paper aims to develop a tool with which one can determine with great accuracy the dimensions of light. Basically was entered a new relationship through which one may determine the size of a photon depending on the wavelength of light. Instead wavelength of light can be used as variable the speed of light and its frequency. One could determine this new expressions using and the known equations: the total energy of a moving particle and the total energy of a photon, as Einstein bequeathed them to us. It has also been used (for calculating the new relationship) and the kinetic energy of the photon. The new expressions introduced by this paper may be useful in many applications related to light, lasers, etc. This paper is a check point for new ?start points?. Copyright © 2016 Florian Ion T. Petrescu and John Kaiser Calautit. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Posted January 9, 2017 at 3:15 PM
Florian Ion T. Petrescu and John Kaiser Calautit DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.321.325 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 3 Pages 321-325 Abstract Light is one of the most fascinating something of all the time. This paper aims to deve
Florian Ion T. Petrescu and John Kaiser Calautit DOI : 10.3844/ajassp.2016.321.325 American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 13, Issue 3 Pages 321-325 Abstract Light is one of the most fascinating something of all the time. This paper aims to develop a tool with which one can determine with great accuracy the dimensions of light. Basically was entered a new relationship through which one may determine the size of a photon depending on the wavelength of light. Instead wavelength of light can be used as variable the speed of light and its frequency. One could determine this new expressions using and the known equations: the total energy of a moving particle and the total energy of a photon, as Einstein bequeathed them to us. It has also been used (for calculating the new relationship) and the kinetic energy of the photon. The new expressions introduced by this paper may be useful in many applications related to light, lasers, etc. This paper is a check point for new ?start points?. Copyright © 2016 Florian Ion T. Petrescu and John Kaiser Calautit. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Some citations in mechanical and industrial engineering
How to cite items:
Petrescu F.I., Calautit J.K., About the Light Dimensions, (2016) American Journal of Applied Sciences, 13(3), pp. 321-325, Retrieved from:
Petrescu F.I., Calautit J.K., About Nano Fusion and Dynamic Fusion, (2016) American Journal of Applied Sciences, 13(3), pp. 261-266, Retrieved from:
Petrescu, F., Petrescu, R., An Otto Engine Dynamic Model, (2016) Independent Journal of Management & Production, 7(1), pp. 038-048, Retrieved from:
Petrescu F.I., Calautit J.K., Mirsayar M.M. and Marinkovic D., Structural Dynamics of the Distribution Mechanism with Rocking Tappet with Roll, (2015) American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 8(4, pp. 589-601, Retrieved from:
Petrescu, F.I., Improving Medical Imaging and Blood Flow Measurement by using a New Doppler Effect Relationship, (2015) American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 8(4), pp. 582-588, Retrieved from:
Petrescu, F., Petrescu, R., High Efficiency Gear, (2014) Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering, 12(1), pp. 51-60.
Retrieved from
Petrescu, F., Petrescu, R., About the Anthropomorphic Robots, (2015) Engevista, 17(1), pp. 1-15.
Retrieved from
Petrescu, F., Petrescu, R., Gear Design, (2014) Engevista, 16(4), pp. 313-328.
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Petrescu, F., Petrescu, R., Kinetostatic of the 3R Dyad, (2014) Engevista, 16(3), pp. 314-321.
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Petrescu, F., Petrescu, R., Dynamic Synthesis of the Rotary Cam and Translated Tappet with Roll, (2013) Engevista, 15(3), pp. 325-332.
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Petrescu, F., Petrescu, R., Cinematics of the 3R Dyad, (2013) Engevista, 15(2), pp. 118-124.
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Petrescu, F., Petrescu, R., Kinematics of the Planar Quadrilateral Mechanism, (2012) Engevista, 14(3), pp. 345-348.
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Petrescu, F., Petrescu, R., Kinematics at the Main Mechanism of a Railbound Forging Manipulator, (2015) Independent Journal of Management & Production, 6(3), pp. 711-729.
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Petrescu, F., Petrescu, R., Machine Motion Equations, (2015) Independent Journal of Management & Production, 6(3), pp. 773-802.
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Petrescu, F., Petrescu, R., Parallel Moving Mechanical Systems, (2014) Independent Journal of Management & Production, 5(3), pp. 564-580.
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Petrescu, F., Petrescu, R., High Efficiency Gears Synthesis by Avoid the Interferences, (2014)Independent Journal of Management & Production, 5(2), pp. 275-298.
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Petrescu, F., Petrescu, R., Cam Gears Dynamics in the Classic Distribution, (2014) Independent Journal of Management & Production, 5(1), pp. 166-185.
Retrieved from
Petrescu, F., Geometrical Synthesis of the Distribution Mechanisms, (2015) American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 8(1), pp. 63-81.
Retrieved from
Petrescu, F., Machine Motion Equations at the Internal Combustion Heat Engines, (2015) American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 8(1), pp. 127-137.
Retrieved from
Petrescu, F., Petrescu, R., Cam Dynamic Synthesis, (2014) Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, 10(1), pp. 1-23.
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Petrescu, R., Petrescu, F., Popescu, N., Determining Gear Efficiency, (2007) Gear Solutions, 5(3), pp. 20-28.
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